Saturday, September 15, 2007

Autumn Bliss Week: Saturday

Autumn is a time of change, a time to receive, and a time to let go. The transformation occurs not only outside you in the physical world but within you as well. As such, this season is perfect for introspective writing and a journal is the perfect vehicle for that writing.

Many of you already journal and I applaud you. But maybe you’re someone who believes you’ve nothing to say, don’t know where to begin, or just plain think you can’t write. This just isn’t true.

Journaling is an act of reflection, exploration, and understanding yourself and the world around you. It can take many forms: the written word, sketches, paintings, collages, whatever amuses your muse. And no matter whether you make a small written notation or pen your way through a thousand pages, journaling facilitates a sharper awareness of the changes in and around you.

Naturally I write in my journals. I also draw, paint, paste in bits of leaves or this and that, insert pages torn out of a magazine—the journal itself is merely a container to hold my emotions, thoughts, and the tangibles and intangibles that make up my world.

There are numerous resources about how to keep a journal. I don’t think we necessarily need them but they are helpful for specific journaling purposes. I try to be careful to consider such guides as inspiration but not requirements I must meet. I want to use my own words and thoughts, not someone else’s.

May your autumn journaling give you a better understanding of what brings you bliss!


  1. I have been putting off starting a journal , but- you have inspired me to start one now :)
    Thanks :)

  2. As Joseph Campbell said... "Follow your Bliss" :)

    I've been journaling for over 20 years... it's a good release, and a good place to start being your authentic self :)

  3. I wrote journal page 2842 last night. I owe my sanity, such as it is, to journaling. Plus, I write 3 blogs. I have a lot to get out. :o)

  4. bmMy journals aren't fancy, but then....neither am I. I do like to add bits and pieces to mine too.

    Loving your blog Junie!

  5. Your journals look and sound very interesting June. I've never really been interested in a journal about myself, really, but I have often thought that I would like to write down lots of thoughts to leave my son one day. I keep wondering how to go about making it special. I think you've made me feel that the best way, is to simply begin.
    Thank you once again for your lovely posts. They are very thoughtful. I appreciate that.

  6. I love journaling! I need to get back at it again!
