Friday, September 21, 2007

Blessings Friday

Here are just a few of my blessings this week.

Your Comments

Thank you to everyone for visiting and leaving me such delicious comments. I cannot always find email addresses so I can send you a thank you. So, if you don’t hear from me, it’s not because I’m ignoring you.

The “Prayers for Our World” Project

As each name comes in and their prayer flag made, I feel blessed with your trust in Kristie and me to do this for those you love and worry over. There is still time to add names.


Mortimer, so named by my husband, is a Black-chinned Hummingbird that lives in our yard and buzzes my husband’s ear until the sprinkler is turned on so he can play. My husband took this photo of our friendly hummingbird on Wednesday in the backyard.

Creative Crafty Authors

I am very appreciative of the sewing and craft book authors out there who write wonderful books sharing their innovative patterns, instructions, and ideas. Because I’ve collected so many of these books, I made a rule for myself back in January that I have to make at least three things from each craft book or magazine I buy.

My goal has been more than met with
Amy Butler's In Stitches: More Than 25 Simple and Stylish Sewing Projects. I have been participating in the year-long In Stitches Sew-Along since January. Each month a project from the book is posted at the blogs of co-hosts Kelli and Finnyknits. You can see all the projects to date on Flickr.

I've also met my self-imposed three-item rule using Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing: Patterns and How-To for 24 Fresh and Easy Projects . My husband took this picture of me with Lotta’s Yoga Mat Tote I made the other day to match my yoga class bag. There is a Flickr group for this book, too.


I’m generally a pretty nice person except when encountering those of questionable mental abilities driving about on the roads and scaring me. This week, instead of yelling “Dufous Butt” (yes, I know that’s not nice and, by the way, I don’t know how one spells “dufous”) and shouting comments about how that year model does indeed come with turn signals, I tried just giving them smiles.

Those wayward drivers didn’t particularly care and some felt I was insulting them—so strange—but I felt much more relaxed and at no time did I have to make up my own curse words ‘cause I ran out of the other ones.

I hope you’ll share your blessings with me to enjoy over the weekend.


  1. I like that rule! I think I might have to give that a try! :)

  2. 1- I think it's spelled doofus.
    2- oh my, is that ever mild considering the things I scream when I am alone in the car
    3- coming from someone who doesn't either.... Do you ever sleep????
    4- you are awesome!

  3. Oh what a lovely post!
    I too have used a few choosen words on the road. :)
    Good rule with the books !
    Have a happy weekend :)

  4. Hi June! I've been pretty quiet with my comments this week. I've been feeling lurker-ish lately. But I think I may have to implement your rule... too many craftbooks to keep track of! Love the yoga mat too.

  5. Hi June, I, too, need to implement your craft book rule. I think you must have a very gentle, sweet soul. Have a great weekend!

  6. Hmmm, that's a good crafting book rule. Maybe I should have that rule for knitting books too. : )
    I have to admit, it made me grin to imagine you driving down the road and shouting Dufus (sp?) Butt at bad drivers! heehee

  7. What do you think of that Lotta book? Worth the price? I've had it on my wish list for a bit, but haven't made the splurge yet.
    As always, Junie, I am thankful for you.
    And Mortimer is pretty cute too.

  8. Love Mortimer. He has been well-named. I wish they would buzz me closer than they do. But you know I'm always glad to see them.

  9. Great photo of tricky to get a hummer to alight for enough time to bring him into view and then snap the shot.

    After many times of "doofus" calling, I, too, have tried the "smiling" trick, but I also shake my head at the same time as if to say, "How sad that you have no clue." I also wave at them as they speed by. Fine, I think, there's a traffic ticket somewhere in YOUR future!!

    Smile and Wave!!

  10. Love your blessings this week.
    I too am havin stupid people driving around me and after my last TWO little bingles you can imagine what I yell out......
    Sometimes I can't yell as I am just holding my breathe.

  11. I loved your post and it sparked me to write my blessings out. Love your hummy picture.
    I have really enjoyed your blog this week!

  12. Mortimer sounds like quite a character.
