Sunday, September 23, 2007

Crafty Blessings for Others

Many blessings fill my life every single day which make the inevitable challenges in life much easier to handle. As such, I’m always mindful that others may not be so fortunate. In addition to other charitable projects I’ve mentioned in my blog, here are a few more opportunities for which you may or may not be aware in case you’re looking for some way to pass your blessings on to others.

This little list is by no means comprehensive. There’s so much need in the world that it’s almost incomprehensible. Most of the time, I cannot understand how a world full of purportedly advanced technology and reasonable-thinking human beings can have so many needs not being fulfilled. It makes me sad.

Cubs for Kids

I heard about this non-profit organization in today’s Lion Brand Yarn’s newsletter. Cubs for Kids provides knitted bear cubs to children in homeless shelters for Christmas. You knit (by hand or machine) a hat, sweater, and scarf from your leftover yarn for the bear they provide. Here is the link to the patterns and here is the mailing address for your outfits.

Free Charitable Knitting and Crochet Patterns

Lion Brand Yarn’s web site provides patterns for items most requested by charities. You can also search for charities in your area on their site.

Loves Many Cloths

This is a picture of a few of the washcloths I made for a women’s shelter as well as Kelli’s "Sending Goodwill to Mozambique" project last April.

The Loves Many Cloths groupwelcomes anyone who enjoys crafting and is willing to give to shelters and other agencies that help people who are less fortunate. We knit, loom or crochet cloths as a group and send to these organizations.”

Cuddles for Pets

This is an extension of the Loves Many Cloths effort. The Cuddles for Pets Yahoo group gathers blankets for animals in shelters. These poor creatures are lost, scared, abandoned and so on. The cuddles give them something to comfort them—when you feel bad, a nice quilt wrapped around you is like a big love hug. It’s the same for them. I read that shelter pets have a higher percentage of adoptions when accompanied by a cuddle blanket—maybe it’s the psychological cute factor but whatever works, go for it.

Again, this is just a tiny sampling of ideas as I don’t want to overwhelm you with pages and pages of need.

If you’d like to share those charitable organizations and projects to which you contribute, you’re welcome to leave a comment here but I’d love it if you just posted it on your own blog for everyone to see that may not visit me. The more we share, the more love is sent out to those in need in very real ways.

Treasure your blessings but be a blessing yourself.


  1. What a lovely lady you are to take the time and trouble to give this information to others. I love the idea od giving blankets to animal shelters and must see if there is anything like this going on here in England.

  2. This is just WONDERFUL! My mom makes stuffed bears for some charity. My 3 yr old daughter helped her stuff them once. I also have heard of a charity that takes blankets "sewn". And if I ever get up the nerve to make another quilt, I'd make one for the breast cancer charity. They auction them on EBay and keep the proceeds for cancer research. You are a lovely lady! :-)

  3. YOu are one lovely lady! You have such a wonderful big ol'heart! I could just squeeze you because you are so kind! Bless you dear friend!

  4. This is such a pretty photograph June, and a wonderful and generous idea. Thank you for all you do to make a difference. It makes the world a better place for all of us.

  5. You've inspired me. I find knitting dishcloths relaxing. I just joined the group you mention and look forward to participating is giving.

