Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The “Prayers for Our World” Project

Years ago, at a gathering of friends, my dear friend Kristie gave each of us a stack of fabric strips to create prayer flags. On each one you were to write something you wanted to send out as a prayer. I remember writing peace, love, charity, good health, mindfulness, bits of poetry, and so on.

Once done, the strips of fabric were sewn together on a long string and hung outside for the wind to blow and tatter—carrying little threads of our prayers into the universe.

I’ve never forgotten that meaningful project. As I read blogs and come across requests for prayers or good thoughts in stories of worry, concern, illness, and tragedy, I often feel helpless other than just saying prayers for those hurting in the world.

A sense of urgency has been growing in me that I need to do something tangible about this. And so it is that Kristie’s prayer flag project came to mind.

Kristie and I have decided to work together to make prayer flags for all those we find who ask for prayers. We will contribute all the fabrics and sew the prayer strips together.

We invite you to join us. If you would like to have your prayer request(s) included on a fabric strip for the flag banner, please leave a comment here at Junie Moon or Kristie’s blog with a name (first name and maybe last initial only) or very brief description of someone you wish to include in the prayer flags.

If you want to submit your prayer wish in private, you are very welcome to click on the “Email me” link in the right-hand column.

It is difficult to set a deadline because bad things are not going to just cease and desist on a specific date. But to get this prayer flag project out there in the winds of time, we have to have an end point. The last day to submit your prayer request is September 30.

You are welcome to post The “Prayers for Our World” Project icon on your own blog.

Once completed, our plan is to drive to the Santa Catalina Mountains the weekend of October 27, tie the prayer flags banner to trees, and say “our” (meaning you and us) prayers.

~ You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~
Mohandas Gandhi


  1. What a beautiful idea.
    Could I send calm and comfort to my ailing Grandfather.
    Thanks girls xx

  2. Oh June, this is a wonderful project. And I might just have to steal it for a women's group meeting in a few weeks.

    And if you could....please add The Redman Family to your list...J. is a soldier friend of ours and was shot in Iraq a few days ago. He is home now, but has a very, very long recovery ahead of him. His wife Erika is doing well, but with three wee ones it will be tough for her as well.

    Thank you for this.

  3. What a sweet and wonderful project!

    Thank-you , for doing this :)


    Could you please add the name Tom to one and Amy to one . Thanks :)

  4. What hearts of gold you both have! I think this is an amzing idea and I treasure you both for taking it upon yourselves to do this. I would ask that you pray for my husband to come to have a personal relationship with God. Thank you so very much!

  5. This is so great! I would love it if you could add a prayer for-

    David, Samantha, Gabrielle and Julia

    Thanks so much!

  6. What a wonderful idea. How giving of you both.

  7. oops
    I meant for the prayer to be
    "may GOD give them all they need"

  8. Dear June,
    This is such a lovely idea and project. I believe the positive energy of prayers, good thoughts and wishes is a powerful thing. I've seen it work miracles before.
    Thank you for making this world a better place.

    I would appreciate the name of my stepmother Mertis, being added to your prayers, and that of a little boy, named Dylan.
    Thank you.

  9. What a lovely and loving idea, June.
    I ask for prayers for dh's grandfather, who is fading, and the family he leaves behind.

  10. OH Junie! This is so wonderful it brought me to tears. You are so filled with kindness and hope. Thank you so much! I always feel blessed visiting your blog. If you have room can you add Jim & Robyn to a strip (we are struggling a bit and need to work on us) and one for the Burns family! Thank you again. YOu are truly wonderful!

  11. I love your site, and I think this is just a wonderful idea. I would love it if you could please add Karen S. to your list.
    Thank you!

  12. I am telling you what, I absolutely love this idea. I just love it. I would like to do the same!
    I would like a prayer for love, peace and an end to hunger.

  13. Please add Joan, Kim, Jacob, & Elinor to your flag for me. God Bless and thank you
