Thursday, June 5, 2008

World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day, established by the United Nations in 1972. It is hosted each year by a different city. Wellington, New Zealand is this year’s main international host and the Chicago Botanic Garden is the North American host.

This year’s slogan is "CO2, Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy." New Zealand was one of the first countries to pledge to achieve carbon neutrality. Their focus is forest management as a tool for reducing greenhouse gases.

A few ways we can all help:

  • Adopt a ‘green’ way of life
  • Art made of recycled materials
  • Buy a fuel-efficient car
  • Dedicate your blog to World Environment Day on June 5
  • Plastic bags: avoid them!
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Replace your light-bulbs with energy saving ones
  • Use sustainable modes of transportation (walking, jogging, cycling, skating, carpool

More information is available here.

Thinking of the world reminds me of travel, something my husband and I love to do. I’ve made new passport sleeves for us using a tutorial from Bunnybum. The fabric is an old map of the world that looks like a blueprint.


  1. The passport case is great!

  2. I didn't know today was World Environment Day, June! Thanks for alerting us all.
    When I saw the words in this year's slogan included "kick the habit" I thought about smoking, and I bet if everyone stopped doing that it would be a greenhouse gas reducer plus health saver, too! In NYC cigarettes have just gone up to $9 a pack!

    Pretty passport cover! I hope you enjoy making your travel plans.

    Hugs, Pat

  3. Love that passport holder -- now it's time for a trip!

  4. yet another great project June. Since I write an environment column I tend not to include a lot of these things on my blog, other than in passing. I have to be careful of copyright since I can't reproduce what I write in my columns for 6 months :) ... mind you, I suppose I could add a tip or two anyway ... just may do that.

    Cheers and here's to your continued creativity!

  5. Thanks for the earth-friendly reminder. Although I just cannot learn to like those energy efficient bulbs. They make me feel sad. I'd rather sit in the dark.

  6. your passport sleeve looks great. i'm so glad you enjoyed the tutorial.

  7. I like the idea N. Zealand has. I definitely have been trying. My big thing are those plastic bags.

    Oh I saw one the other day, not sure if it is the same link, and she used a fabric with a map.


  8. Great ideas for World Environment Day. Another to add to the list: go veggie!

    :) LaTeaDah

  9. OK, I have a pretty fuel efficient car, I try and remember (getting better) to take my reusable shopping bags to the grocer. Trying to eat more local. Recycling the plastic shopping bags I do have....

  10. Thanks for reminding us about the Environment. My hubby and I are actually seriously talking about getting rid of our car. We live in a neighborhood with good access to public transit, and we don't need a car that often for long distances. We've been doing research on electric bikes :)
