Friday, August 15, 2008

Blessings Friday: Tasha Tudor Day and Blog Action Day 2008

There are two upcoming events I want to tell you about. One honors the life of a woman and one fights poverty. Although seemingly different, both are about living mindfully and taking responsibility for the way in which we live and interact with others.

Tasha Tudor Day August 28, 2008

Clarice at Storybook Woods is hosting a celebration in memory of this wonderful woman’s life as indicated in the picture. I’m joining in the celebration that day and hope you’ll join in as well. It’s going to be awesome to see how Tasha Tudor touched other people’s lives and discover creative ways of continuing her legacy.

Blog Action Day October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day is an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite the world’s bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the same issue on the same day in order to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.”

I participated in Blog Action Day last year with a series of posts about making your own natural cleaning products and am registered again for this year’s effort. Poverty is the topic for this year’s campaign.

What Can One Person Do?
  • Read about Blog Action Day here

  • Commit and register your blog here

  • Watch this YouTube video:

I’m grateful for role models like Tasha Tudor who prove it’s possible to live life mindfully. And I am grateful for the opportunity to help fight poverty.


  1. I will read bout them, and participate also :D thanks =D nice space you have here ^^

  2. Hello. I just read your comment over in Clarice's blog. Concerning Tasha Tudor and posting about it.

    I did the same and wanted to come over and say Hello to another person who loves Tasha.

    Miss Mari-Nanci
    When Twilight Embraces

  3. I'm with ya! I registered. Thanks for the heads up on it!

  4. Both of these events are worthy of our attention, and I thank you for mentioning them.

  5. I'll try to do both wonderful events June! I loved Tasha Tudoe and Blog Action Day sounds so interesting.

    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs, Pat

  6. June thanks for posting this and I have joined up! I have registered and am ready to go! Let's fight world hunger! This is one of those causes that is very close to my heart! I feel even in America we have hunger and that should never be in one of the richest countries in the world! I am so blessed to call you my friend dear June...thank you for doing this and fighting hunger!
    Love you!

  7. Blog action day - what an interesting idea! I have just registered as a result of seeing your post, and I'm thinking of making some brooches to sell in aid of a charity... just to pick which charity and what design of brooch to make!
    thanks for sharing! :D
