Thursday, January 15, 2009

Check out Free Ebook: Thriving on Less - Simplifying in a Tough Economy

Hi Dear Readers,

I want you to take a look at: Free Ebook: Thriving on Less - Simplifying in a Tough Economy. You can download a PDF copy of the book for free courtesy of the author Leo Babauta who also writes the Zen Habits/Simple Productivity blog.

We can all use a little help during these challenging times.



  1. I glanced through it, and have saved it to read later. It looks like a good one, with valuable thoughts and reminders. The quotes are all helpful prompts too.
    Learning to live with "enough" is something that most of us need to work harder at, I think. I sometimes think that everything that is happening with our economy today is a way of balancing things out. Maybe it will help everyone to think more thoughtfully, and especially about those who haven't any.

  2. Another free ebook. Man, you have the hook-ups, don't you?

  3. Thank June! Another good, helpful link to explore.
