Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Ah, St. Patrick’s Day—spring is really here in Tucson and we count ourselves quite lucky to have such glorious weather.

It’s going to be a quiet day at our house. As my husband is still convalescing, he’ll play on the computer. As for me, I’ll finish some sewing projects and start tonight’s supper. Pat of Mille Fiori Favoriti shared her Crock Pot Guinness Beef Stew recipe yesterday. I’m giving it a try today. Thank you, Pat!

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

In the meantime, I’m playing with table settings. I know I’ll use the St. Pat’s napkins I made last year and my onyx plates, but still have to decide on everything else. At the last minute, I’ll cut flowers from my backyard to add to our table.


  1. I love your annalee leprechaun! I recently saw where she is doing a wizard of oz set!! so cute! I am going to the grocery store for a corned beef! I forgot it was today- actually I didn't know what day it was- I need a watch with a calendar! :) Hope you have a happy St Patty's!

  2. Oooh, it all sounds just perfect June! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  3. I have daffodils in my garden right now, and flowering plums, but that's about it. What's blooming in your garden now?

    You always set such a pretty table June.

    I'm so glad that your husband continues to improve.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day to you!

  4. Amazing plates! Wow, I have never seen any like that.

  5. Oh I wish I'd seen this yesterday, I could have gotten some more use out of the crockpot before summer.

    Well, we'll just have to drink the Guiness instead. Darn.

    Happy four leafed clover day.

  6. Hope Dub is feeling better June. I also hope you liked the stew!

    I went to the parade today for a little while after a blogger lunch on 5 Ave -- sooooo crowded but fun!

    Hugs, Pat

  7. Happy St. Patricks Day!
    blessings, kari & kijsa

  8. I’m a little late, but Happy day after St. Patrick’s Day!
