Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Easter Egg Golf Towel Tutorial

Most golf accessories are boring designs oriented towards men. With the exception of a very few boutique shops targeted at women, we’re pretty much stuck with such lackluster items as golf towels.

© June Scroggin

Here’s a golf towel that expresses one’s femininity in a practical way as well as celebrating springtime in a representation of an Easter egg. One side is chenille (terry toweling may also be used) for scrubbing clubs or golf balls and the other side is for drying—factors important on the course.

I’m tickled that FaveCrafts invited me to submit a project for their Blogger Easter Craft eBook and featured my tutorial here. You can also get a PDF version here or in my Tutorials sidebar.

Easter Egg Golf Towel Tutorial


© June Scroggin

  • 1 piece of cotton fabric (I used a mid-weight decorator fabric that’s washable) approximately 20-inches square.
  • 1 piece of chenille (or terry toweling) fabric in the same size
  • 1½ yards of cotton twill tape ¾-inch to 1-inch wide in a color complementing your fabrics
  • Thread to match fabrics
  • Water-soluble marking pen
  • Dritz Grommet Kit, 7/16-inch
  • Metal golf towel (or shower) hanger

Step 1: Cut your fabrics into an egg shape, approximately 13-inches wide by 18½-inches in length. The smaller top part of the “egg” will be the top of your towel. I just drew a free-hand egg shape with a water-soluble marking pen.

Step 2: Place fabrics with wrong sides together. Pin in place. Stitch 1/8-inch from edge to secure.

Step 3: Fold twill tape in over the edge of your towel, pinning in place as you navigate around the circumference. Sew close to edge of tape (towards main body of towel). You can sew by machine or hand. I chose the latter as I wanted the stitches to be invisible.

© June Scroggin

Step 4: Following grommet instructions, insert grommet at the center of the top of the towel about ½-inch away from the bottom edge of the twill binding trim.

© June Scroggin

Step 5: Insert your towel ring and attach your pretty new towel to your golf bag. Then get outdoors and enjoy springtime with a great round of golf.

Ah, spring is a grand time and, since my new towel matches my golf head covers, I can go out and play a round in all my girlie splendor.


  1. Very cute Junie Moon. And those of us who don't golf can use it as a kitchen towel!

  2. Soo cute! Unfortunately Golf is only for the rich and famous overhere!
    But like Anna says, it can be used and a kitchen towel!

  3. This is adorable! I'd use it as a kitchen towel too since I don't play golf. Congrats for being aprt of an e-book!

    Happy April 1st!

  4. congratulations on being featured with this tutorial June. It's very clever and I really ADORE the polka dots. That's right up my girly alley :)

  5. Fore! Some day I gotta try golfing. It looks like a leisurely walk with a stick and ball.

  6. I don't play golf, but here's a thought - I think this would be a great idea on the side of a high chair for mom to wipe her hands. I am sure there are many uses for this crafty and cute idea.


  7. Ok, having no idea of what one would do with a golf towel (do your clubs get sweaty?), I must say that this is adorable.

    Also - congrats on the eBook entry!

  8. Nice post. It look elegant and clean. A golf towel is a very useful accessory
