Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring to Finish: Doll Pillow

Tallgrass Prairie Studio has a project going on to motivate us to finish what we’ve started by April 30. Since I have a backlog of things, I’m welcoming the encouragement.

Some unfinished projects are actually pieces from my mother that she didn’t have a chance to complete before she died. I’m slowly going through those and taking care of them. It’s emotionally harder for me to deal with my mother's things, so I’m starting with my own pieces.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

About 20-something years ago, I cross-stitched this doll piece from a pattern I no longer remember. What I planned to do with it is buried somewhere in my memory, but I’m positive it was something I was making for my daughter. Yesterday’s musings over what to do resulted in the idea of making a simple little pillow.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

I wanted small curved fabric pieces using the backing fabric for each corner and added those in right before the final sewing process.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

It feels better to have one less thing in my stash.


  1. Love the pillow, she is such a pretty piece of crosstitch! How wonderful to get a bunch of old projects finished up. I bet it feels as good as decluttering and purging old stuff!

  2. Very cute! It must feel so nice to have something crossed off the UFO list!

  3. Such a sweet cross-stitch and pillow.

    I might borrow your idea! You’ve inspired me!

  4. It does feel good, doesn't it? Last month, I piled all of the unfinished business into two containers, and am slowly but surely working my way through. You know the most surprising part? How close several of these projects were to completion!

    Keep up the good work, Junie Moon!

  5. Your pillow is really sweet June. I'm glad you rescued her fromt he "unfinished" pile. Will you still be giving her to your daughter? It would be a darling gift.

  6. I know how good it feels to finally finish something we've started a long time ago. I also know exactly how you feel June about still having a difficult time dealing with the things that were your mothers. My mom died two years ago and boy oh boy I still choke up whenever i think of some of her things let alone when I see and touch them. Bravo to you on getting this lovely cross stitch made into a pillow!

  7. Hi Junie,thank you so much for your visit, its wonderful to see you again, How are you! hope you are keeping well,Just the other day I was thinking about you wondering how you where...and voila!!!
    Such a wonderful and creative blog Junie, i could learn a lot from you, for blog is new to me, meanng it very different from a website! Cheers hugs ;)

  8. Yay! A fine finish! I love those cute corners! I'm always amazed when I get an old project out at how little time it actually takes to finish it.

  9. yep- it does feel good! i set mt pile of have finished stuff to start the table runner and am feeling sooooo guilty! my voice in my head is my worst critic! keep going and we'll cheer you on! go junie! go junie!

  10. Well didn't that turn out cute!
    I'm sure I have some almost finished cross stitch projects around here someplace........

  11. Just catching up on your last few posts - and this one especially reached me. I have so many started projects....this was just teh bit of encouragement I needed to pick one and finish it. Thanks

  12. I wish I could sew like that! What a gorgeous pillow, and so perfectly stitched!

  13. are you giving it to your daughter?! LOL! I can't wait to see what else you will destash!

  14. Very nice! Way to go on getting it done...

  15. That is so sweet and I'd love to know more about how you did those corners. Love the doll!

  16. and she's so cute too! congrats on the thing off the list.
