Friday, May 15, 2009

Blessings Friday

A lot of secret sewing, knitting, and other crafty endeavors are underway at my house and have been for the past two weeks. I’m working on a few Christmas projects I hope to share with you next week. So stay tuned for a series of over-the-top gift ideas.

In other fun, my friend over at The Book of Shenry blog posted a limerick challenge the other day. Here’s the bit of silliness I came up with:

There once was a girl with a kazoo
whose platypus on it did chew,
the mouthpiece was cracked,
the platypus got whacked,
now the music she plays sounds like poo

Not exactly a piece of erudite literature, but it was fun to give limericks a try. There's a whole series of "rules" about limericks involving the number of lines, which lines must rhyme, and even how many syllables are involved. Who knew?

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

This picture makes me smile. It’s a prickly pear found in Saguaro National Park East recently when my husband and I were wandering about photographing everything in sight. We visit this park a lot since it’s only a few miles from our house. The desert is an amazing place and this little cactus seems to be watching us—or else, it’s an alien in disguise.

The weekend is here, it’s hotter than blue blazes in Tucson, and the water in our pool is warm enough for swimming. I’m jumping in after my flute lesson today.

Life is good.


  1. Loved the limerick. And, seriously, I don't think I've ever read a limerick that would qualify as "erudite literature." Limericks have a certain inescapable juvenile quality.

    And I wish that cactus would stop looking at me. It's creeping me out.

    And hurray for Friday. This Friday is particularly awesome because I'm taking the day off of work.

  2. That's an awesome limerick June. And if it's hotter than blue blazes now, what is it hotter than in August. (Hmmm, you might not want to answer that!)

  3. Cute limerick June! They take a lot of imagination to write.

    Christmas projects in May ... you are smart to plan ahead!

    Love the cactus -- it does look like it has eyes!
