Monday, May 4, 2009

Dinner and a Movie: Twilight

Inspired by Pat’s (Mille Fiori Favoriti) post in March, I thought I’d plan a Dinner and Movie project of my own over the weekend. Themes of any sort are fun to explore. My movie choice: Twilight.

In the book, Bella eats fish and fried chicken—even making and serving steak for Charlie. The movie version insinuates she’s a vegetarian which echoes Edward’s assertion he and his family are “vegetarian vampires” opting for food sources other than human blood.

After suggesting the movie to my husband and reading him a list of menu options, he quipped, “As long as it doesn’t involve anything Rh”.

A number of scenes (both in the books and the movie) reference food, so I tried a dish mentioned in Food & Wine’s article “Recipes for Twilight Fans” found here, Lasagna-Style Baked Pennette with Meat Sauce. The article states, “Leftover lasagna gets Bella through a particularly busy week when she learns the truth about Edward’s vampire identity and past.”

Bellas Lullaby - Carter Burwell

While preparing dinner, I listened to Muse’s Twilight Music Soundtrack. This is the beautiful piano solo Edward plays for Bella.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Dessert was simply a red apple based on the cafeteria scene where Edward does a trick with an apple and presents it to Bella. My patient husband kindly posed with an apple for me.

Flightless Bird, American Mouth (#11) - Iron & Wine

This is the music to which Bella and Edward dance at the end of the movie—very romantic. Something Edward said struck me as poignant. Bella asks him to make her a vampire so she can be with him forever, Edward responds, “Is it not enough, just to have a long and happy life with me?” To us, as humans, it’s never enough, is it?


  1. Junie Moon, you are so much fun!This is the kind of thing that I think about doing, and never quite manage. You not only do them, but take it to the nth degree. I love it. And your husband plays along, which is priceless. Now, that's how to live a happy life together!

  2. June! You've been hooked! It's your young and free spirit in action!!!

  3. I think that perhaps, if we all lived our lives with as much enthusiasm as you do, dear Junie Moon, perhaps, it would be "enough".


  4. Clever, clever Junie Moon!! A Twilight evening. I read the series and saw the movie but Boydo didn't want any part of the movie. I saw it with my daughter when we were in Phoenix. What did your husband think of it??

    I'm dying to know about your scrapbooking experience on Saturday!! How did it go?? I would think it's your type of thing!

  5. I've neither read the book, nor seen the movie. Your post definitely intrigued me, I may have to plan a "Twilight dinner and movie" of
    my own. Not sure if I can get my husband to play along the way yours did.

    As others have commented - love your enthusiasm and youthful spirit!


  6. You are so cool JunieMoon!
    Smiles, Karen

  7. June, I adore your sense of adventure and your creative spirit!

  8. Thanks so much for thre "shout out" June! You wrote a wonderful movie dinner post and I love how you included the music.

    My daugfhter adored Twilight ...I have yet to read the books, or see the movie, but I'm sure I will!

  9. The Twilight soundtrack does not belong or is done by Muse. Muse did not create Super Massive Black Hole for twilight. It is a wonderful song off their album Black Holes and Revelations. Sorry but as an avid fan of Muse long before Twilight existed I have to point this out. Muse rocks, that is all.
