Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pool Party Napkins

We’re hosting our tenth annual pool party for about a hundred people this Saturday, so I’m busy getting ready for that.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

This morning I’m finishing cloth napkins, making enough for everyone. Since it’s a pool party, the fabrics do not have to be fancy or elaborate. Simple batik works fine and is rather summery to me. I like that there’s no real wrong side with batiks so it looks fine on either side.

Since we spend a lot of time in the pool during the summer, cloth napkins are a good way to avoid wasting paper and can simply be washed and reused whenever there’s a need. Plus, I think it’s a kind of grace note, a detail that tells folks I care about their comfort.


  1. A HUNDRED PEOPLE??? Good Grief Woman -- get off of this computer -- you have work to do!!!

  2. Absolutely, unbelievably AWESOME! A nice touch to the nth degree! AND don't email me back, you do have work to do, sweet lady!

  3. Love this ~ how sweet !
    Have a happy day sewing :)

  4. Fabulous June! For decades I have been environmentally conscious but have never gone to this extent ... bravo June. It's almost unbelievable you are tackling this many

  5. WOW! That is such a thoughtful touch-I love it! And I'm impressed with the detail you're putting in!

  6. 100 people? At your house? In your pool? All at once? Every year?


    And cloth napkins on top of it all. Handsewn.

    Somehow, I'm still able to appreciate the summery nature of those batik napkins despite the fact that I'm totally blown away by your hostess prowess.

    Have a great GREAT time!

  7. 100 People at your house? OMG June! All in swimsuits? I would love to take a sneaky peak!

  8. WOW!!! Did you hem all those????
    Oh my goodness!!!

    Hugs from Michigan - Diane
