Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thrifted Thread Rack

My husband found this framed thread rack at a garage sale some time ago. He bought it for me for fifty cents. It is made from pieces of wood and screws/nut thingies carefully tightened into place—functional but not all that attractive to me.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

It’s been living in my garage until I could decide what to do with it. Use as is? Take out the screws and line with fabric before putting the screws back together? Paint it different colors?

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

This morning I decided to simply prime the piece and paint it white. Fortunately, supplies were already on hand enabling me to get right to work.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Hanging the rack on the wall leaves more tabletop work space and helps me know what threads are already in my stash.


  1. I've been looking for something just like this! I Love it and I definitely love it in the white.

  2. I'd like to make something like this. It really helps me to see what I have. Love the pattern of the placement of the screws. How are the screws attached - from the back or from the front- how thick is the backing board? Lots of questions - am going to study your photos more closely. White was a good choice - the colourful threads and spool sizes look great on it. Thanks for posting this.

  3. It looks great, June! What a bargain it was and it looks like a wonderfully handy storage solution.

  4. I love it when we find great things like that and can make them wonderful and useful again! Nice job. I'm a big fan of white. It looks great!

  5. Wow, what a find! I love having my threads hanging -- the problem is that I've exceeded my rack space, so I still have baskets. ;-)

  6. how thoughtful of Dub to pick this up and what a bargoon! :)
    You made it look so nice simply by painting it and does it ever serve the purpose. Lovely.

  7. That really is a lovely find! You can never go wrong to paint things like that white, it is classic... and with the colourful threads on it, it becomes a work of art!

  8. That looks pretty darn good!

  9. what a good husband you have! and what a great thing the have on the wall, I love practical beautiful things. love the white with all the great thread colors.
