Monday, August 17, 2009

Lingerie Bags

Women have used bits and pieces of fabric and other materials for ages to either enhance or minimize their body shape. Historians believe the first recorded use of lingerie was by Egyptian women about 3000 BC. There’s something about a frothy bit of lace, whether worn under a silk dress or a pair of jeans and t-shirt, that appeals to the very soul of our sense of femininity.

Source: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historical Site

Even Eleanor Roosevelt used a lingerie bag. Her bag is monogrammed "AER" (Anna Eleanor Roosevelt) and made of silk and satin. It’s on display at the Eleanor Roosevelt National Historical Site near Hyde Park, New York.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Last night I finished making a new lingerie bag for an upcoming trip. The cross-stitch design and project materials were ordered months ago from Pique & Pique, a shop in France. The front is linen and the back is cotton. There’s a tiny crystal “diamond” sewn in both design elements.

I’m starting another of these bags, this time using black embroidery thread. When finished, I’ll post the new version as well as share photos of the vintage lingerie bags in my small collection.


  • A History of Women’s Lingerie article at Random History
  • Picque & Picque home page
  • Picque & Picque lingerie bag
  • Picque & Picque cross-stitch chart leaflet


  1. How big is that bag? I'm not sure I own a single piece of lingerie that would fit in a bag that small! :oD

  2. I just loved reading your history of lingerie. And to see Eleanor Roosevelt's own little packet for her 'unmentionables'...oh my ;)

    Now, your own bag, missy wonderful, is just too fabulous! And as Kristie says...your lingerie must be the itsy, bitsy, variety...oh my, again!
    blush blush as she oohs and aahs ;)

  3. That's adorable June! Thanks for the fun link to a new shop!

  4. I absolutely ADORE your lingerie bag -- the bra & panties are so adorable. I actually have a lingerie bag that I use when I travel but oh my I'm so embarrassed to show it ... mine is made of a garish red print in a cotton fabric. It's so matronly yet I use it all the time (when I travel that is). Gosh, if I ever came across a lingerie bag as adorable as the one you made with the cross stitched bra/panties I would immediately purchase it. Oh, and loved the interesting info you shared too :)

  5. Oh wow Junie!! That is the cutest lingerie bag ever!!! You did such a beautiful job with the embroidery. It would probably take me a year to make something like that, and there you are just whipping them up!

  6. A very nice idea! I cringe when I think airline employees might need to seach around in my luggage, and and least this way the unmentionables are kept clean.
