Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering and Learning

As everyone knows, today is the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We honor the memory of that day and the resulting huge loss of life.

At the time of the attacks, I was traveling for work and had just handed my ticket to the airline agent to board my plane home from Pensacola, Florida. As I started down the ramp, airport officials suddenly called for an immediate evacuation and the agent hustled me away from the plane.

Passengers streamed out of the airport doors, some boarding buses and private vehicles to leave as we were all directed to get away from the airport immediately. I had no transportation and had to take my luggage and sit in the median of the nearby highway.

I was panicked as to what to do and how to reach my husband and children. I couldn’t reach anyone at first via cell phone, but finally managed to connect with my mother who explained to me about the transpiring terrorist events.

Calling rental car agencies to try to drive home to Arizona didn't work, no cars were available. Buses and even Amtrak were packed and there was no room for me. Finally I called my mother-in-law and arranged to be picked up and taken to her house where I stayed two weeks until I could get a flight home.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved. This is a flag project my sister Connie was making in glass.

We remember the heartache of the losses and the terror over the events of 9/11—an infamous day in history and our lives were irrevocably changed. Most Americans have no idea what to do in the event of disaster—I certainly didn’t. We are not prepared, but we should be.

I’ve since learned about emergency planning and the preparation of a disaster kit. I cannot control the behavior of others, but I can somewhat mitigate my helplessness by being as responsibly prepared as possible.


The following is a brief list of emergency resources from a national level. Your state and local governmental plans drill down from the national point.

  • Emergency Alert System at Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • National Terror Alert Emergency Preparedness


  1. We are remembering too today. We must never forget, but not live in fear. Then we allow terrorists to take over our lifes.

    You must have lived through 2 very strange weeks after the attacks on 9/11 2001.

    The glass art project by your sister is amazing!!!

    Take care!

  2. Probably the only good thing to come out of that awful day -- people became more aware of emergency preparedness. Your glass flag is beautiful!

  3. I'm glad your mother-in-law was able to help you that day, June. It was a day of mass confusion, sorrow and despair.

    I was proud of my fellow New Yorkers who responded so well that horrible day and helped so many afterwards.

  4. It's been on my mind all day, as it should be.

    But how scary for you to have been boarding a plane at that very moment. :(

    Here's to always remembering...


  5. Gosh, that must've been so frightening, not knowing what was going on - and then finding out! What a sad day! I was still a school librarian then, and our library became a hub as students and staff came and went all day watching. The husband of one of my assistants was in the air en route home (here) from visiting his parents in India. She didn't learn that his plane was sent elsewhere until several hours later.

    Thanks for the emergency preparedness links.

    Jane- Jacksonville
