Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October Craft:Along: Handmade Halloween Cards

This is the second of my three Finny and Kelli Craft:Along 2009 challenge projects for October.

A post on the Once Upon a Holiday blog (featured on Craftzine) about repurposing her daughter’s art for making homemade Halloween cards inspired Kelli and Finny to include it as part of this month's challenge. To keep in the spirit of making homemade art, I’ve chosen to paint a design as well.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

To make the cards, I bought packs of textured solid cards and envelopes in orange (JoAnn's) on which I traced masks using a cat mask template I made out of cardstock. The bottom of the card back was stamped with a rubber stamp letting my recipients know the cards were made with love.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

My painting simply involved a bit of black matte-finish acrylic paint.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Inside the card, I printed a Halloween poem that fits with my mask theme. I've left a bit of room at the bottom to sign our names.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

I punched a hole on either side of the mask and inserted a black-and-white striped ribbon. All that’s left is to address the envelopes, add stamps, and mail them off to my family.


  1. Those are ADORABLE June! You're SOOOO clever -- thanks, as always for the inspiration!!!

  2. A very creative idea! But I wouldn't have expected anything else from your creative mind!

  3. WOW! They are TOO nice to mail via USPS, June! I hope they will reach their destination! Cheers, Julie

  4. I love what you have created with the mask - the ribbons really are perfect for it. Happy Halloween!!

  5. These are wonderful cards! It brings back the Hallowe'en when my sister and I were little and we wore masks just like that... Oh, nostalgia!

  6. sigh, junie, what am i gonna do with you? i thought you quit blogging, so i removed you from my bloglines, and now here you are again!!! glad to have "found" you again. :)

  7. Really cute June! I like the poem --it's perfect for your black mask!

  8. I so like these cards, Junie - super super cute! And, of all things, fairly simple. Of course, they're super glam.

  9. Those are amazing Junie.
    You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and artistry.

    Very clever and great job!


  10. These are so wonderful June, I love them!
