Friday, January 29, 2010

Blessings Friday: Aloha Time

Yesterday brought me a big surprise. I had just made my blog post and was sitting there thinking a few choice words about the limited time I have on my dying laptop, when the phone rang. It was my brother calling to ask for my Delta frequent flyer card number.

You’re going to Hawaii,” he announced. “I know you’re going to argue with me and try to talk me out of this, but I have to go to a meeting and don’t have time. Bye.”

Stunned, I called my two sisters and discovered Bill called them, too. We’re all going to Oahu to celebrate my sister Connie’s 50th birthday—and we’re leaving at the beginning of the week.

Hopefully my new computer will have been delivered while I’m gone. No matter, I’ll be back to blogging on February 15.

Today I’m rearranging appointments, digging out my snorkel gear, stuffing my Adventure
Bag, and thinking about the fun we’re going to have. Three wild sisters sans husbands let loose on Oahu—aloha Hawaii, here we come!


  1. Wow! What a treat~ not to mention a very sweet brother :-)
    Have a wonderful time!

  2. Fabulous! The mermaid goes to the ocean! Have a wonderful time.

  3. How wonderful!!! Have a great time, what a special treat!

  4. swim free in joy combined and multiplied!

  5. I'd like to point out that you neglected to mention that your fabulous niece will be acting as your own personal tour guide!! I might have been offended, but I'm too dang excited about our fun-in-the-sun vacation. ;)

  6. Wow! What a fun life -- I want to take a trip at the last minute! I hope you have a fantastic time Junie Moon!

  7. Now THAT'S a good brother! Have a lovely, lovely time.

  8. Oh June, you'll love this item on Etsy:

  9. Oh how fun! What a sweet brother you have too. An an only child, I'm totally envious. Have a super time!

  10. What a fabulous surprise! What a cool brother! Have a fantastic time!

  11. i just found your blog (while searching for sewing tutorials)..... have fun in Hawaii! I live on Oahu. Let me know if you need any restaurant suggestions or any hole in the wall ideas :)


  12. June I hope you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii!

    Happy 50th birthday to Connie!

    I can't wait to hear about your trip and all the fun you had!

    Hugs, Pat

  13. What a wonderful opportunity - Enjoy your unexpected surprise!!

  14. You’re a lucky mermaid June!!
    I hope you have a wonderful celebration time at Hawaii!!

  15. Have a grand time my dear. Aloha! YOu and I will be back on the same date -- but I'm not going to Hawaii :~)

  16. How wonderful! And don't you argue with your bro; you do wonderful, kind things for everyone you know. The universe is seeing to it that you are treated in kind.

    Have a great trip, and dance some hula for me!!

  17. Hooray! What a perfect gift for a mermaid, and your sister is going to have such a wonderful birthday.

    Safe journey to you June.


  18. Wow!! That's quite a nice surprise. Have fun!

  19. love that! Hope you are having a wonderful trip!

  20. Oh, you lucky girl!

    Hope you're enjoying your time in Hawaii!
