Friday, March 26, 2010

Blessings Friday: Dare to Meet the Daffodils

Wintertime, although an odd sort of nonsensical season here in Tucson, leaves me feeling dull and drab. Spring has brought a renewed sense of energy and invokes its own colorful way of embracing the world.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

This past week brought me a cheerful bouquet of daffodils, the gift of a neighbor. I photographed them to make a thank-you card. After the drab colors of winter, daffodils are nature’s buttery goodness.

To dispel winter’s dreariness each year, Emily Dickinson forced daffodils to bloom. I wish I’d thought of doing something similar over the winter. Spring ignored my forgetfulness and came just in time to remind me that daffodils happily bloom without any aid from us.

"I dared not meet the Daffodils
For fear their Yellow Gown
Would pierce me with a fashion
So foreign to my own"
Excerpt from Poem 348 (Robin) - a poem by Emily Dickinson
As Emily infers, the bold color of daffodils reminds us of the dullness in ourselves during the bleak time of year and the dazzling brightness of the flowers strutting their stuff in the sunshine. The whole concept reminds me I’m responsible for my own happiness, no matter the time of year.
The simple gift of daffodils cheered my soul so marvelously, I’m doing a bit of emotional spring cleaning on myself and daring to meet the daffodils.
Have a happy weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.


  1. Daffodils are one of the most cheery flowers, aren't they? The ones in my garden are just about to bloom.

    Spring is such an uplifting season after the dreary grey days of Winter. Nature certainly is always in the process of constant renewal,and teachers us that we can do the same.

    Have a wonderful weekend Junie Moon!

  2. Flowers that make you smile.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. The daffodils here are just barely starting to bloom and I'm SO looking forward to it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend Junie Moon!

  4. hi! wanted to tell you i made your kindle cover! love it! thanks dfor the great pattern!

  5. up until reading this post, i have always been indifferent toward daffodils. now, i see the wonder in them.

  6. Hope your spirits are better these days. I'm sorry to hear that you had surgery! I hope you are recovering nicely. Happy Easter!
