Friday, March 12, 2010

Blessings Friday: Life is Fun

Here we are at the end of another week. Doesn’t time seem to have zoomed a bit faster lately? Anyway, here are things making me happy lately.

FIRST, you absolutely must watch this YouTube video my friend Peggy emailed to me. I about fell over laughing--trust me, you’ll love it.

Sometimes the Internet deities decide not to allow embedded links to work properly, so here’s the link in case the video doesn’t work on my blog.

I’m not a Manolo kind of girl; instead, I’m loving my new Sanuk Scribble Sidewalk Surfers, a hybrid shoes/sandals I bought at North Shore Ocean Headquarters in Oahu, but you can find them at various sources on the Internet such as here.

Designed by a California surfer, Sanuk is a Thai word meaning “fun and happiness.” And yes they are. I love the little graphics and the embroidery bits. Since I used to surf, they bring back vague memories of having once been young, flexible, skinny and carefree.

The correct way to weigh yourself—I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years.

My sister Connie emailed this to me the other day. WE MUST SPREAD THE WORD.

Spring is coming, can you feel it? Maybe that’s why I feel like gamboling about like a lamb. Photo source unknown; I received it in an email (don’t you just love email?).

Don’t forget Daylight Saving Time—the clock changes for many of you on Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 2 a.m. in the U.S.

I’m off to work on a sewing project, so have a yummy weekend!


  1. I can't believe I've been weighing myself the wrong way too! Thank you for setting me straight...

  2. Hahaha! That video is awesome -- I'll be sharing it with my girlies at work -- they all have a fine appreciation of a hot man -- and kitties LOL!!!

    The shoes are adorable and that lambie picture is too cute. I'll be with you sewing today -- maybe we can send each other good karma.

    Oh, and I couldn't help thinking of you -- your fine city ranked #8 in THIS poll:
    Sort of made me giggle!

    Have a great weekend Junie Moon!!!

  3. Great video and now I know how to weigh mayself. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Oh the link worked alright...hysterical!!! Thanks for the laugh!!

    :) T

  5. I have been weighing myself wrong too! And that video is so funny!

  6. I love those shoes June! I wonder of orthotics would fit in them as I've been fitted with them after my stress fracture for more arch support. Ah ..yes to be young and skinny and flexible again! LOL

    That was a funny video and I sgree that weighing myself that new way would be so much better!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  7. What a fun post JunieMoon--you made me smile with each and every little tidbit! I have to spread the word on that wonderful new way to weigh yourself! lol Have a great day.
    Smiles, Karen

  8. Love that video! I’m happy to finally know how to weigh myself!
    Such a fun post June!

  9. Those shoes are cute!

    And Yes! I knew I must be weighing myself incorrectly when I actually *gained* weight last week. No way that could have happened with my stellar diet and all. ::sigh::

    Happy spring!
