Monday, March 1, 2010

National Craft Month

Now the Winter Olympics are over and we’ve begun a new month, my attention has turned elsewhere.

Source: BurdaStyle

March is National Craft Month—a designation created 16 years ago by the Craft & Hobby Association to introduce new generations to crafting. I’m not part of the new generation but any excuse to craft works for me.

Source: Craft and Hobby Association

The Craft & Hobby Association is challenging individuals, families and craft retailers to take the Craft Night Pledge of crafting one night a week with your friends and family. I’ve got a project or two in mind which includes my husband and I’m always willing to craft with friends.

My plans for this month include:

Source: All People Quilt

Sew for charity: I’m working on American Patchwork & Quilting’s 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.

Teach a craft class: On March 8 I’m teaching a class for some friends in Tucson how to stamp on metal washers to make personalized charms for jewelry, scrapbook embellishments, and other uses.

Source: You Go Girl blog

Learn a new craft: I’ve joined You Go Girl’s On the Edge…Pillowcase Crochet Along to make pillowcase edgings which means I will also be learning how to crochet (finally).

Blogs abound with ideas year ‘round; check out sites that aggregate ideas such as the following:

Other Resources

  • Micheals is celebrating by offering in-store demonstrations and online creative ideas videos.

Source: Burda Style

  • Join The Sewing Republic and BurdaStyle Apron Remake Challenge (deadline is March 24).
  • YouTube has a series of National Craft Month videos to get you going.


  1. Oooh Junie -- I want to know what you know about stamping on washers! Do you have a good source for them? In particular, thick, sterling ones? Or do you prefer non-sterling???

  2. It's going to be fun seeing all your projects during this month of March craftiness. Mine is going to be less productive - due to moving and studying, but I do have one embroidery project I'm working on.


  3. You just never STOP do you. :)
    Love reading your blog. Miss ya! - ME
