Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Orange Zest Madeleines

Along with some sewing projects, new recipes have made their way on my must-do-right-away list. One of those recipes is for madeleines. While I’ve made these little cakes before, I thought I’d try yet another recipe version.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
Dry, dense, heavy madeleines do not excite me; however, the particular recipe I used this time resulted in a cake that was moist and delicious with a lovely, light flavor as the result of using just the right amount of freshly-zested orange.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

I learned three things when trying this new recipe:
  1. Do not over-mix the batter.
  2. Chill the batter in the fridge for at least an hour.
  3. Bake your madeleines the same day they will be served.

The recipe was published in The New York Times and is an adaptation from one found in  The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Pastry Arts.

A batch was made for my knitting group and another for my mother-in-law’s bridge group’s game day. Both batches were eaten in what seemed one heart beat of time.


  1. I tried making madeleines years ago, they were a flop and I've never tried again. However, after reading the article, I'm going to give them a try. They look delectable!

    Have a wonderful day, June.

  2. Thanks for the recipe June. The first time I made madeleines they were perfect, but did I save the recipe??? Nooooo. I've made several more attempts but they're always like rocks. Now I'll have to try your recipe and see if I have any better luck!
