Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Non-whirling Dervish Blogging

When I thought about returning to blogging, one important decision I had to make is how to fit it in my crazy life. Do I craft, sew, knit, cook, bake, and whatever like some whirling dervish in order to have wonderfully-clever posts to put on my blog? Or, do I just go about my life and share what I do?

I have opted for the latter—a simple sharing of experiences when I feel like it sounds more fun for me.

© 2013 June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Aren’t our tees cute with our personal inscription? When we moved here, I found a bag of these tees in our storage bin. The tees are leftovers from our wedding day golf tournament in 1998.

Today is the ladies golf league at the golf club my husband and I joined. It’s kind of an odd situation for me. For years, I played with my husband and his guy friends every weekend. Rarely did another wife join us.

Since moving here, I decided joining a women’s league would enable me to meet new people and make more friends. Playing golf with women is definitely different than playing with guys.

One difference is that I actually get to tee off first once in awhile and don't have to wait until all the men get done. An important variance is that the women take their game much more seriously than the fellows I've been on the course with over the years. Another difference is that the golf outfits are much cuter.

© 2013 June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

My ball marker honors my alma mater. Okay, I'm off to play--think positive I hit 'em straight down the fairway.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging without obligation. Sharing life. That's what's important.

    How fun to have tees from your wedding.
