Monday, January 13, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere

It’s supposed to be a rainy day here in the Panhandle and some health emails I get keep telling me to drink more water. But I can’t stand outside with my mouth wide open to get water to drink—it’s rather hard on one’s neck. And since regular water bores me, I made a more interesting version yesterday before the rain moves in—yet again.

So, I’m giving the Skinny Fiber Fat Flush and Detox drink a try. I’m avoiding soft drinks—don’t drink them all that often anyway—but I am a big sweet tea drinker as a born-and-bred southern girl.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

I made two big batches of this purportedly-healthy beverage from a recipe found on Pinterest. It involves merely slicing up 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 2 limes, and 1 bunch of fresh mint. After dividing the ingredients between two large pitchers, I filled the pitchers with water and put them in the fridge to get cold. Super simple and tastes pretty good.

A small tea strainer works to filter out all the bits and pieces when pouring in my glass. While I probably will never give up my sacred southern sweet tea, I still need to drink more water for my health and this recipe makes for a less boring refresher than say … water.

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