Monday, February 2, 2009

Computer Woes

I'm using one of the computers at my local library to let you know that I'm offline until my laptop is repaired. I only have one hour a day allowed use of the library's facilities and am using that time for job applications/resume submissions.

Just wanted you to know that I've not disappeared without a good reason. Maybe the computer fairy godmother will wave her magical wand and my laptop will be returned super quickly after it's repaired.

Junie Moon (who's suffering pangs of Internet withdrawal)


  1. Ooooh, sorry Junie! Hope "you" are all better soon -- we miss you!

  2. Oh, I hear you, I feel your pain! I was without the internet for 10 days around the holidays, and it nearly drove me (and my family) insane! Hang in there... thank goodness for public libraries, hmmm?

  3. Oh no! What a bummer. Thank God for libraries! Hope you are all back in working order ASAP. Good luck with the job hunt too.
    Smiles, Karen

  4. Praise be the library for keeping you connected to the webz, even if it's just for an hour a day. Libraries rock like that.

  5. Oh No June! So sorry to hear you have computer troubles :(

    Enjoy the free time and hurry back when you can!

  6. not to worry but we do look forward to your return.
    my photo-a-day
