To celebrate my tiny moment in history (or herstory as the case may be) and since my blog is all about living life creatively, I’m offering a small gift set of a portable pocket painting kit to thank you for accompanying me on this marvelous blogging adventure.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
Although the Tucson valley doesn’t experience any semblance of a typical fall season, it’s rapidly approaching for most of you. I thought some lucky person might like to venture forth and capture the colors of fall leaves somewhere. Whether you know how to draw or paint is really not important, getting outside and doing something creative is the point.
How to Get Your Name Included: One Rule
Please leave a comment on this post telling me something special that inspires you creatively during the fall season.
I’m a stickler for rules, so do remember my one and only request for adding your name to the drawing. I’ll randomly choose a name and announce it Monday morning. By the way, it’s okay to participate if you live outside the U.S., I’ll throw your name in the basket, too—after all, the internet is not geographically discriminating and neither am I.
Thank you all for visiting my blog over the past couple of years!
My inspiration? My daughter trying to decide what she wants to be for Halloween - all I know at this stage is that it's going to involve a lot of tulle!
Happy Blogiversary!
Similar to you, we Floridians don't see/experience much of fally weather/scenery. So my inspirations comes through the good ol' tube, pix anywhere & everywhere, but most likely through my heart & yearnings for a four season environment. I grew up in a country w/four seasons & very harsh, cold winters. These days I yearn for a change & pondering a move to another state in the US. Looking ffw to your drawing! Cheers, Julie
Has it only been two years June? How can that be? I can't tell you how many times your blog has inspired me -- I adore your whole attitude toward life! As for fall inspiration, I think for me it would be the reds/oranges in the changing leaves and the "air" in general. Just this morning, I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise with an orange glow -- fall is definitely on it's around the corner!
Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy your posts so much, thank you! I won a gorgeous gift from you not long ago so pull my name from the entries but I did want to share my thoughts.
My biggest inspirations in the autumn are all about the trees (I'm in New England so it's a big deal). I like the dusky smell of a just-raked leafpile, the contrast of that particularly bright blue of an October sky seen through vivid oranges and yellows, and watching the huge swamp maple in my backyard turn. I also look forward to my black walnut tree bearing fruit - I transplanted it as a year-old sapling from a friend's yard and these days it is large and beautiful, and the nuts remind me of my Mom's Mom in that evocative way only scent can produce.
Yesterday was my 2 year blog anniversary too!!! And I'm having a giveaway as well!!! What a coincidence :)
I'll enter your giveaway and you enter mine :)
My inspiration is the smell of Autumn, it is my favourite season.
definitely the first breezy, not 100 degree day (I am also in Florida). I open the windows and door and sit on the floor to start crafting. It always reminds me of my childhood and how we can change things in our lives.
I am inspired by the mere fact that it is September and the change in the air is apparent...I love Fall, everything about it! It heralds the end of long, hot, humid days, of which I am not a fan of. I live in New England and the trees inspire me on a daily basis with their wonderful full palette of reds,oranges,yellows,maroons and fading greens as well as every combination of these. It is a beautiful season, sometimes down right breath taking!Going to a lake surrounded by these beautiful tree is a joy to take in because not only do you have the trees in your vision but their reflection is just as amazing. I am inspired by the harvests available, of apples and my favorite...the pumpkin. I love their lines and shapes and even their availabilty in white with a hint of green on a very smooth skin...lunar pumpkins. Which brings me to the fall night sky and the glorius Harvest moon...ah I just love Fall, it is my favorite as you can tell. Thank you also, for inspiring me with how you approach life and sharing that with us. Have a great day!
congratulations to you on the anniversary!! my inspiration is the changing leaves. i pay attention every year to when the day happens that i notice they are no longer green. it is a practice in awareness. i look forward to that and the crispness in the air.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I find that since I've stopped teaching and become a SAHM, my inspiration is found elsewhere. I'm not surrounded by students, just one little boy, and I find that when we visit places after teh start of school, they are emptied out and quiet. That really gives me a boost for crafting, I don't know why! I am an extrovert by nature, so I would have expected that being around alot of people would have been the jumpstart I needed, and I have found it to be the opposite. Maybe it's that as a mom now, I don't find I have all that much space for myself anymore.
My main inspiration in the autumn is to be found in my major house clearout (I don't spring clean, I autumn clean), when I find things I have tucked away (especially in my sketch books and scrapbooks), clothes which I can get back into thanks to the lovely annual summer diet, and general new school year energy (thanks to a nice long holiday!). I love thinking up new projects to make in the autumn and winter evenings when it is far too cold to go out...
I know I'm not eligible for the giveaway (you know, family and all that), but I wanted to say Happy Blogiversary! :)
And in keeping with the comment rules for this post, my Fall inspirations come in many forms. There are the piles of apples that start to show up at my favorite market, the leaves changing colors and blanketing the landscape in gold and red and yellow (I love VA!), and the crisp weather in the morning as I head off to work. But probably my favorite Fall inspiration comes from the sounds of the high school marching band practicing nearby. I have such amazing memories of the marching band, and the start of practices always signaled the arrival of my favorite season (and favorite foods!). Hooray for Fall!
2 years? Already? These little bloggers grow up so fast! *sniffle*
Love you, June. Congrats on this milestone!
Happy Blogiversary!! What a neat give-away idea. I think the thing that inspires me in the fall is the cooler temps. It gives me a renewed sense of wanting to bake and create.
For my answer, I'll stick with this year since I'm in a new place. THIS fall, I am inspired by the cooling temperatures (no more dragging my feet in the heat of august), finding new friends who are making space for creativity in their lives too, and the amazing people around me.
P.S. I very much enjoy the diversity of projects on your blog and how you're always up to something. :-)
Happy Blogiversary to you! I do enjoy reading your posts.
My fall inspiration comes from the change in the weather. I love rainy nights and cool breezes blowing on my face while I'm snuggled in bed. I like to lie there and think - and often it's about what I would like to create.
felicidades!! my inspiration? mmm... i think the nice weather and the color of the trees. we have a few raining days who makes me want be at home with a quilt around me and make some things.
thanks for the chance to win and again, Happy Blogiversary !!!
I miss fall. Here in LA the leaves turn dark greenish black one day, fall off, and are buds again the next day. So my fall inspiration comes from all the photos my lovely blog friends post.
Living in New England, I'm fortunate to have all the wonderful fall colors around me. That starts me off ... then it's off for a trip to a local farm to see the piles of pumpkins and pumpkins still in the fields near acres that have been shorn of their corn stalks. If you look closely at those areas, especially early in the morning, you'll see flocks of Canadian geese heading south. Finally, the crisp fall air is just the thing I need to get out of the heat and humidity of summer. I'm at my best in fall.
Thank you for offering such a generous give-away and congrats on your 2-year anniversary. Your blog is certainly an inspiration.
Fall is my favorite time of year. What I find most inspiring are the colors: the beautiful leaves against the bluest October sky. With the clean, crisp air, apples and pumpkins, I find inspiration all around me.
Congratulations on your blogversary! Your blog is very inspiring!
To the Lady that keeps the knitted bandages going around the world (as my Grandmother use to do, we're talking 50+ years ago -- but of course, you weren't even "thought" of then -- hahahahaha!) Happy Blogversary Junie!!!
Inspiration in Seattle is everywhere as Fall comes in on little feet. My favorites are the "Vine Maples" -- I drive down a street lined with these lovies -- rejoicing in their dresses of red.
Fall is my most favorite season -- I think of it as a beginning!!!
Continue on Junie -- and many congrats,
Hppy Blogiversary~ I'm so glad you decided to jump into the pond, because you inspire & spur me on to look outside my regular little world.
In the Autumn, I'm inspired by the appearance of pumpkins, apples, corn field mazes, & the cooler temps~ I get the urge to knit warm & comfy items in beautiful colors, especially mittens, hats, & socks :-)
Fall fruits and vegetables inspire me with their colors, shapes, smells and tastes. I feel more creative in the kitchen during the fall, too.
Thanks so much for all you've posted these last two years. Looking forward to many more, my friend!
Congratulations June, on your anniversary. I remember being thrilled to pieces when you told me that you were going to start a blog. I knew you had so much to share, and I was right! You are an amazing person, and I'm happy to have come to know you, in this way.
Autumn is my favorite time of the year and it's always inspired me in so many ways. Partly, because it feels like the start of something new, which inspires thoughts of what I would like to accomplish in the "new year". I think that goes back to when I was in school as a child.
The shorter days and cooler inspire me to cozy up my home and I somehow feel more free to pull out my sewing and other crafts. Days in the garden, and evenings crafting. During the summer months, life mostly happens outside. I enjoy the turning inward that happens as the fall months appear.
I love the quality of the light in autumn, and the textures of the season.
P.S. I'm having to use the anonymous feature, because it's the only thing the Blogger comment forms will accept from me today.
Thanks for the thoughtful and delightful giveaway.
In the fall I am inspired by mellow sunlight, in the fashion of late 70s/early 80s photo shoots streaked with hazy sunshine. Also, garden bounty, and, of course, golden and crimson hued leaves never fail to inspire and delight me.
I get inspiration from all the beautiful Fall leaves
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Toss my name in the hat too!
The angle of the evening autumn sun inspires me. Somehow sunsets are a little bit different in the fall... but that little bit affects me in a big way
My creative inspiration in Autumn is two-fold. First, I love the return to school. I teach college English composition, and I find it so exciting to have a new beginning each fall. Second, I love the play of color in the fall. Even though many of the summer flowers in our meadow have faded, the leaves in CT are brilliant and give one last hurrah before the snow.
Happy Blogiversary!!
EVERYTHING. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, and everything makes me want to be crafty and cozy and happy with the season. I want to burn candles and bake pies and knit and crush leaves and all that.
I just moved to the Midwest, but I lived in Tucson for the past 5 years, and I was always sad that we never got a "real" my friends and I would always fake it by taking a trip to Willcox to pick apples and pumpkins. Then we'd make all kinds of different things from our bounty. I'm really going to miss those trips!
Happy blogiversary! I love reading about your desert adventures! :o)
Wool inspires me in the fall!! This year, thanks to my commute to work, I may actually fill my wardrobe with wool sweaters to help me stay warm for a change!
It's a prospect I am seriously looking forward too ;0)
Yay Junie Moon! I was thrilled to pieces when you started to blog again. You are such a creative and fascinating person. I already have that beautiful watercolor travel box, so no need to be included in the drawing. Just wanted to say congratulations on blogging for 2 years!
The beautiful changing colors of the trees, especially when looking at a mountainside (or for you westerners a 'hill'). When you see bright organge, red and yellow leaves all together, in my mind, all I see is a beautiful Maple Leaf Quilt!
Happy Anniversary! What a great giveaway!
My inspiration this Fall has to be baby no. 1 that's on the way. He will make his debute this December.
Happy Blogiversary!
I so enjoy your blog. You always post such inspiring and thought-provoking entries.
The first thought that comes to my mind for fall is "spice". I think that permeats all of my creative endeavours for this time of year, my favorite season. The color, scent, even texture of fall for me is "spice".
Here's to many more years of great blogging!!
Congrats to two wonderful years of blogging, June! I'm so glad you were the first person to comment on my blog -- it has been great getting to know you!
My creativity in autumn is always inspired by the beautiful colorful leaves that fall from the trees. I can't help but collect many of them and display bunches in vases. I am also inspired to cook at least one apple pie every autumn :-)
We ares till away -- visiting my grandson this weekend. Home soon.
Hugs, Pat
I think for me it is just fall in general and all that encompasses it: fall colors, leaves changing, Halloween/Shamain, crisp cooler air (OK, not so much here in Texas), crisp apples.
Congratulations on your Blogiversary.
Fall Inspiration - for me it is the ever changing colour of the leaves. As an Australian Spring has just begun and we are seeing lots of beautiful blossoms and warmer weather
One of my biggest inspirations each fall is a visit to the interstate fair. I love seeing the creations that other artisans have made, and love getting new ideas to bring home and try out.
HaPPy Blogiversary ~ your blog rocks :)
Fall makes me want to get a head start on holiday gift making ~ and make cozy things ~ like a whole new batch of knitted dishclothes for the kitchen~ crystal :)
Happy #2iversary!
The blogosphere is better for having you :)
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