Thursday, September 24, 2009

Calendars and Spamalot

Calendars are still in the works at my house. I’m making 14 perpetual birthday books and about as many desktop calendars for Christmas. I’m not doing them all at once, just interspersing each book or calendar project with my other adventures—don’t want to get bored, y’know.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

For this desktop calendar I used alphabet cards, one for each month, and a black-and-cream color scheme.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

Since each page is made using chipboard, these calendars can easily stand, hence the whole desktop concept.

Last night I went with some friends to see Monty Python’s irreverent parody Spamalot at Tucson Music Hall. My husband is out of state for work and couldn’t attend, so Sam and Paula kindly gave me a ride since I can’t see well enough to drive at night. I’m pretty much a very happy person but don’t laugh out loud very often. This zany show made me laugh a lot. and I’ll certainly never look at the Arthurian legend in the same way again.


  1. How fun! Once I heard that title used in a TV show that I sometimes watch but didn't know it was real. Love those calendars!

  2. Once again, your calendars are just beautiful June! Do you cut out your shapes, or are they all digital?

  3. Hi Junie, thats so wonderful, very creative project!
    Sorry I haven't blog much in the last while, cheers

  4. Your calenders are absolutely phenomenal! I need something to help me with birthdays I am atrocious I have a few unattractive birthday books. Any suggestions on using them?

    I love Monty Python, that must have been a wonderful production.

  5. What a gorgeous and creative project! Something so simple yet amazingly clever of you. Wow! Love it. You should do some tutorials, what seems simple to you, dumbfounds many of us ;)

  6. I love those calendars, what a great gift idea!

  7. Love the calendars. Very pretty.


  8. The desktop calendar is eye-poppingly attractive!


  9. Nice idea w/the desk calendar! I have to get into gear for mine! I actually want to make myself one, too! Cheers, Julie

  10. I love the calendars/birthday books idea as gifts, They look great!

    Spamalot is a very funny play! My husband has always been a fan o the Monty Python comedy troupe
    I'm glad it made you laugh out loud!

  11. Terrific calendars! I'll have to give Spamalot a try. Monty Python really does know how to make us laugh, doesn't he?

