Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

I wish you all the blessings of St Patrick's Day and the "luck of the Irish" with it!

Source: Wikipedia (permission to use via GNU Free Documentation License)

Since the shamrock symbol is a popular one for today, I’ve knit a dishcloth using Kris Knit’s free pattern. Even while washing dishes, I can still hope for lucky blessings.

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved

I have to be away for a few days, so I’ll not post again until Monday. May the rest of your week be full of blessings.


  1. What a cute washrag June. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  2. Happy St Pat's Day Junie...
    Love the face washer.

  3. I totally dig. Hope the days between Wednesday and tomorrow have treated you well.

  4. Being half Irish I really love shamrocks! We went to an opera on St. Pat's :-)

    I hope all went well! Are you ambulatory?

  5. I consider the shamrock my life symbol. I definitely have an affinity for the little buggers. And that is SO BEAUTIFUL. Right up my alley. :)
