Monday, March 22, 2010

On the Edge: A Firm Foundation

My homework for Week 3 of the On the Edge Pillowcase Crochet-along is done.

We were tasked to create a firm foundation to set the stage for the soon-to-come crochet component by blanket stitching around the edge of the pillowcase (4 pillowcases for me).

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
Today starts Week 4 and the actual crochet effort which is going to really start earning the chocolates-necessary rating for me as this is the part where I’ve no experience. But that’s the fun of it, learning something new.

Source: Dove® Chocolate
Last week’s difficulty rating was 3 chocolates; here’s my Dove chocolate choice for that aspect of the project—ever so yummy.
Dear Dove Chocolate:
This week requires more chocolate, so please get your kettles going.


  1. No time in my life just now to play along, but I'm watching with great interest. Crocheted edges on pillow cases have always attracted me. I've wondered how it was attached. And now, I can only slap my forehead in a dumb slap and think, of course! A blanket stitch!

    Never too old....

  2. Lookin' good Junie Moon! Love your fabric/color choices!

  3. HI June
    I've been playing "catch up" sicne getting back from Colorado.

    These pillow cases will look so pretty!

    I LOVE Dove chocolates --they are so rich & smooth!

    ♥ Pat
