Yesterday, Martha Stewart announced the release of her new book (see her blog announcement here) . Martha writes that her book contains “…150 projects, 800 color photographs, and a CD of more than 50 templates”.
Sounds like fun to me, doesn’t it to you?
To share a bit of my happy feelings with you, I’m offering a giveaway. I will order one of you a copy of Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts: Basic Techniques for Sewing, Applique, Embroidery, Quilting, Dyeing, and Printing, plus 150 Inspired Projects from A to ZRules of Participation
- Leave a comment on this post sharing something wonderful that makes you happy.
- As long as you have a name that doesn’t invoke the infamous Anonymous moniker and you don’t leave any mean-spirited comments, you’re good to go.
- Enter by midnight on Monday, April 12. In respect to the time element, I’m talking about Arizona time which doesn’t abide by Daylight Saving Time—in other words, we never change our clocks forward or backwards. So my midnight will be the end of accepted entries.
- The winning name will be chosen via the Random Number Generator and announced Tuesday, April 13.
- Once the winning name is announced, the winner must contact me via email (link in right sidebar) within 10 days with their full name and snail mail address or a new winner will be selected.
how the heck can I be the first commentor for such a great contest. making me happy every single day is my family, they are wonderful, witty, innocent and pretty much totally fantastic in every way possible. -kb
Great giveaway! Thank you.
Wow June! What a WONDERFUL giveaway -- You're so generous! Here's a thing that makes me happy: opening my reader and seeing a post from you. Really. I promise. I'm not kissing up! You're always SO inspiring and I love reading your take on whatever subject you choose for the day!
June, what a generous giveaway! My little boy makes me happiest of all.
I agree! Such a generous giveaway! Well, I have been enjoying a week of vacation. That makes me very happy. Today we are going hiking and kite flying in the Malibu Canyons-what's not to love there? But, I am also very happy in these times that I have a job to go back to. So while I normally sort of dread vacation ending. This year I look at it with gratitude.
Wow! I'd love to win. My daughter is in town for the weekend. That makes me very happy! Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow, would love to have Martha in my home, and it's my sons' 23rd birthday today. This is a great give away!
My beautiful Alaskan sandy beach of home. Every time I go back up to help my parents, my gift to me is always getting to walk along the inlet of the ocean's edge and listen to the siren's heartsong as she calls me back to her, again and again. Nothing makes me happier or sadder at the very same time! The magnetism of the mountains and the tug of the tides coming in, then going back out again...just like me.
My children make me happy - they give me the giggles every day!
What a generous give-away! Things that make me happy....having my grandgirl here with me, stitching her bonnets, making cinnamon rolls for my men on this blustery, rainy, snowy day.
Happy Easter!
What a generous prize. Thanks for the chance to win. What keeps me happy the most is my Family. My Hubby and my Son are the great loves of my life.
well in addition to this giveaway making me happy, I always think of this french story I heard about the word happiness that always makes me smile:
When Charles deGaulle decided to retire from public life, the American ambassador and his wife threw a gala dinner party in his honor. At the dinner table the Ambassador's wife was talking with Madame de Gaulle.
"Your husband has been such a prominent public figure, such a presence on the French and International scene for so many years! How quiet retirement will seem in comparison. What are you most looking forward to in these retirement years?"
"A penis," replied Madame de Gaulle.
A huge hush fell over the table. Everyone heard her answer . . . and no one knew what to say next.
Finally, Le Grand Charles leaned over to his wife and said, "Ma cherie, I believe zee Americans pronounce zat word 'appiness.'"
I often want to drop the h too when I say the word now.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
this is a wonderful giveaway. Knowing that school is over in 6 weeks and I will be off work and visiting my children and parents in the lower 48 makes me happy!
Julie in Alaska
Great giveaway! I love Martha! My terrific friends and family and the beauty in nature are what happiness is all about for me.
What a great give-away! What makes me happy is laying in my hammock with my eyes closed, a pillow under my head, a crisp blue sky over my head, gently swaying with the warm, summer breeze. Total relaxation!
What a great giveaway! I'm very excited to hear about this new book as I love looking through all the tutorials that are available from the Martha Stewart website.
Something wonderful? My little son (18 months old) makes me happy every day. But for those of you not lucky enough to know him then I also find looking through new craft books for project inspiration to be a wonderful way to while away an evening while drinking a cup of tea.
I just found your blog last week and saved it to my blog list! There is so much inspiration here, it will take a bit to catch up. What makes me happy?? My kids..grandkids..hubby.. sewing blogs...learning new sewing techniques..solitude in early morning hours to plan my day..
I once heard that happiness is just "having something to look forward to" so I am always looking for new and fun things to do.
wonderful weather for hiking in a national park!
I would love a new sewing book! What's making me happy right now is being home and sleeping in my own bed. I just got back from a long weekend with my family and had to sleep with my eight year old. She moves A LOT in her sleep.
Also I loved finding your blog and the fact that you were doing the "On the Edge" pillowcase along. I always admired Rose Hip's pillowcases and now I know how to do my own! So that made me VERY happy. Thanks!
Thanks for this opportunity to share what is happiness for me. My happiness is in creating things. It involves a mental challenge as well as the joy of producing artwork with hands, be it prints or be it oil on canvas. This my meditation. And I think Junie you too know this happiness.
Happiness is spending time with family and friends eating, talking and laughing!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Creating a quilt makes me almost unbearably happy :-)
After SOOOO much rain....
The lush green grass, buds on the trees ready to burst into leaves, the bright sunshine ... wonderful Easter day
Happy Easter June!
This looks like a fantastic book! I bought Martha's "Encyclopedia of Crafts" for a friend for her birthday and that was a wonderful book, so Im sure this one is too!
New books are always a pleasure. Family makes me happy, but also life's little joys, such as blue hydrangeas, sunny mornings, newly cut grass, a cup of tea, and giggles.
Generally waking up to another day makes me happy. I'm a morning kinda gal.
I rec'd a tiny portable sewing machine for Christmas and haven't yet used it - this book would be just the push I need.
crafting always makes me happy :)
Have a happy day ~ thanks for all the great ideas you share :)
What a fabulous giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! :) It's been wonderful to scroll through and see things that make each person happy! :) Something that makes me happy is my sweet little family- my amazing husband and my precious son (and our little Schnazuer, Biz)! I cannot believe how blessed I am :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, also! :)
This is a great prize! I love everything crafty, sewing and making homemade gifts. The moment my husband comes home from work makes me happy and he is always welcomed with a home cooked meal. He looks so handsome in his suit and tie. :)
Making my family happy makes my heart sing!
Love your blog. I have a crafting blog.
I always channel my inner Martha and would love that book.
Happy Tuesday to you!
Oh my goodness! I just found your blog--don't know how, clicked here somehow!--and it's lovely. AND I'm in time for a generous giveaway? Wow! I'm a breast cancer survivor--October is the magical Year 5--so, honestly, being alive every day makes ME happy (and sharing that with my hubby and dog!). Thanks! Oh, and also: macaroni and cheese makes me happy too!
Happy! Sounds silly but Daffodils. It seems to be one of the only flowers that all the DEER do not eat. I have a beautiful crop of Daffodils - yellow, white, pinks, various centers - I AM HAPPY THIS WEEK. :-)
And always family and friends.
I came here from Jane's "Out of the Crayon Box" Blog--what an awesome giveaway; thanks!
The sunshine makes me happy--I just love sunny days! We haven't had a lot of sun lately, so it's a good thing all my girls make me happy, too!
Something wonderful that makes me happy? Buying new fabric and thinking of the cool projects I will make out of them! Unfortunately, my eyes are bigger than time. I have more fabric than I can handle! :/
A peaceful day makes me happy..
nice giveaway, please add my name for the draw. thank you
I am most happy when I am spending time with family and friends.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Something wonderful to me is when all of my family is together which is rare now that everyone is grown and scattered. This would be a wonderful giveaway to win. Thanks for your generosity.
I am sitting in a lounge at work, and a random man just walked in and started playing the grand piano. It's making me very happy.
Something wonderful that makes me happy- trying a new recipe and watching my husband and friends enjoy what I've cooked/baked.
Thanks for this generous giveaway!
My baby makes me happy!
lindsayvandy at gmail dot com
Great giveaway!!
Something else wonderful is that I get to go home for 2 months for summer.
celestia dot price at gmail dot com
What a wonderful giveaway! Something wonderful that makes me happy - an afternoon to myself with a good book to read!
ang_vaughan at yahoo dot com
The beautiful spring weather is making me happy!
Sunshine, books, chocolate cake, and farmers markets (which basically just described my Saturday)
I really want to learn to sew...this might get my rear in gear.
As for things that make me happy: my doggins, pecan pie, a warm blanket, friends, naps and photography.
shutterboo at gmail dot com
I think microwave popcorn is one of the greatest inventions. It's so simple, yet makes me incredibly happy. (This might be biased since I just had some microwave popcorn yesterday and took a moment to marvel about it.)
Thanks for the great giveaway.
You're so generous!
What a book!!!Thanks for the chance to win!
What makes me happy?-my little sweet princess...
Great giveaway! Working on my fixer-upper home makes me happy :)
A venti soy chai with extra pumps of chai and no water. Works every time. :D
my summer starts in 3 days - that makes me incredibly happy! :)
Something wonderful that makes me happy is the fact that my sweet, chubby pug is sleeping against my feet right now. :-)
Crossword puzzles make me SO happy!
Fabulous giveaway! Drinking hot tea and reading a good book makes me very happy!
What a generous giveaway! Many things make me happy, like being with my kids and seeing them grow in happiness.
Thank you for the chance to win!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Oh this is a good giveaway! I'm on the first-place-of-my-own budget (or lack thereof) so what makes me happy right now are the plants on my windowsill. They're cheerful and budget-friendly!
morancoll AT gmail DOT com
My little one's smile makes me happy. So does my dog's wagging tail.
What a great giveaway... What makes me happy? Hmmm...There are so many happy things in life I don't know where to start. Besides my family I love to decorate my house.
nancysoffice at gmail dot com
The idea of winning this book makes my insides jump with joy. I borrowed this book from the library and I kept borrowing. I think Martha is amazing and one day I want to be as crafty as her. Making things is another thing that brightens up my day. To know I made something worth while is an awesome feeling.
Pugs make me happy, with their silly smushed up noses and snorty sounds.
lauren.m.gibson AT gmail DOT com
I'm not really a very happy person but sometimes small things makes me happy like two days ago a butterfly entered through the window and stayed in the flat for like 24 hours and I managed to set her free. I was really happy for doing that.
monamhassan at hotmail dot com
making cute creative things for my kids makes me happy
my family makes me happy. so does sewing. :) Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Dreaming about the clawfoot bathtub we're going to install in the house we want to buy.
Making outfits, baking, and making crafts are three things that make me very very happy.
lagringa_009 [at] hotmail [dot] com
My kids make me the happiest. You can't help but smile when they grin up at you!
Good music! Good music always makes me happy and makes me want to dance. And if I'm dancing with my husband or my little boy, it just makes me happier!
jenrcui at yahoo dot com
learning new things always makes me happy.
Im happy that God has given me a lot of things to be thankful for( family n friends) and that gives me a lift any day!
watching my daughter grow up makes me happy!
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