There’s a new man in my life—his name is Merwin.
At the same time I arrived in one terminal after my flight home from Hawaii, my husband was in the next terminal leaving on a business trip. My friend/neighbor Cindy kindly gave me a ride home. And that’s when I met Merwin, Cindy’s adorable grandson visiting with his father from Virginia.
Merwin is a delight—a bright little boy full of awe and wonder about the world, a mind that churns out questions after questions, a memory about every little thing he hears and learns, and a giggle that makes you want to giggle, too.
Merwin made me a gift, having told his grandmother, “I like June, she’s funny”. According to Cindy, this is praise indeed. So now I’m the proud owner of my very own pet rock magnet, complete with googly eyes twirling around as they try to learn everything there is to know in the world—just like its little creator Merwin.
Thank you, Merwin, for your wonderful gift and your friendship!
Dear Reader: I hope this weekend brings you a googly-eyed pet rock magnet you can put on your fridge to remind you there are still wonders in this world to make your heart sing. And I wish you a visit from an adorable little boy whose eyes reflect back love given and received.