Just as I love all things mermaid, my sister Connie has a thing about flamingos. Since my siblings and I like to give each other “I love you” gifts, I made Connie a set of flamingo car seatbelt sleeves this morning (the tutorial is in my sidebar).

© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
We’re meeting Saturday morning for breakfast and shopping at La Encantada and I’ll take her my little love gift. While Connie wants something or other at Coldwater Creek, I want to visit Williams-Sonoma and then cruise into Tiffany & Co. for a bit of drooling on their counters.
Hey, maybe Tiffany & Co. will give me something just to make me go away so they can clean their counters again. A girl can always dream.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
We’re meeting Saturday morning for breakfast and shopping at La Encantada and I’ll take her my little love gift. While Connie wants something or other at Coldwater Creek, I want to visit Williams-Sonoma and then cruise into Tiffany & Co. for a bit of drooling on their counters.
Hey, maybe Tiffany & Co. will give me something just to make me go away so they can clean their counters again. A girl can always dream.

Sounds like a wonderful sisters outing, June! I'd be right with you drooling over something at Williams-Sonoma ..their sale table is always my first stop!
The flamingo fabric you used is do pretty!
I love the seatbelt covers!! I really need to make some for my car this summer now that I'm done with class until Fall.
By the way: Don't tell Mom, but I like your idea of a heavenly shopping trip better that her's... ;)
Oooh, WS -- I hope you got something fun. And is Go like Othello?
How nice that you and your sister have such a loving relationship! Love the flamingo fabric you used on your "love gift"...bet it will make your sister smile every time she gets in her car! Have a fun time.
Smiles, Karen
June, how wonderful to make love gifts for one another. Thanks for the "tip" about drooling :)
I'm off for several days and will return Tuesday -- have a grand weekend!
Adorable and CHEERY Flamingos!
Ok how dare you tease me with Willams and Tiffany!!! LOL!!
I hate online shopping dang it , hubby did order me a new bracelet last month from Tiff , so that was nice but so not the same!
Have a great time sdaturday :)
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