Although I’m superstitious about a few things, Friday the 13th isn’t one of them. However, there are people who suffer with paraskevidekatriaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th). Take heart if you’re one of them as the next time such a day appears on the calendar won’t be until the year 2015. UPDATE 11/16/09: Well, dang, I lied. Chris let me know there are indeed Friday the 13ths on the calendar (such as August next year). That's what I get for researching on Wikipedia; so, lesson learned. Thanks, Chris!
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
My husband and I visited one of our favorite places last Sunday, the Tucson Botanical Gardens. The butterfly exhibit opened again in October (runs until March), but they also have a series of scarecrows on exhibit right now. I’ll only share a few as there were a lot of scarecrows. The one in the photo was labeled Voodoo Medusa.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
This is La Famous Philomena; she’s apparently trying to stay out of the prickly pear.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
And here we have Matilda ready to bless everyone with happy wishes; that ought to ward off any worries over bad luck today.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
Yesterday I made pumpkin bread, but I added a few ingredients to give it extra oomph. It’s takes only about five minutes to assemble before popping it in the oven. It’s insanely delicious.
Pumpkin Bread with Applesauce and Chocolate Chips
- 1 box Pillsbury Pumpkin Quick Bread
- ½ cup applesauce (doesn’t matter if it’s plain or cinnamon, but I did use the cinnamon version)
- 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Make the bread according to the instructions on the box, add the last two ingredients, stir and pour into a greased loaf pan. Insert into a preheated 375 oven and bake about 45 minutes. Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 20 minutes.
Let’s see, what else can I do to help make Friday the 13th a lucky one? How about a giveaway?
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
My offer includes Heather Bailey’s Strawberry Pincushion Kit, Chronicle Book’s Stitch-it Kit, and a copy of Jenny Hart’s Sublime Stitching.
Just leave a comment on this post. I’ll draw a winner on Sunday night and announce it Monday morning.
Although not a requirement, I’d greatly appreciate it if someone would explain to me what this nonsensical word means: WoOT. I keep seeing it on various blogs and can’t figure out its meaning. Colicky owl? What?
woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement
Great contest but I one one recently from you so I am stepping aside.
Have a great weekend!
mmmmmm.....pumpkin bread, my all time fall favorite. no help on what WoOT means, but would love to win any of the give aways!
I really enjoy your blog. I too would like to know what WoOT means.
Thanks for the generous giveaway! As for WoOT, I haven't seen it capitalized that way, but would guess it means rejoicing in the pleasures of a life "without obvious trouble." (And I'm still curious about your novel. Are you gonna tell us more about what it's about?)
I must admit I'm a little "fearful" of friday the 13th.
Thank you so much for letting me know there won't be another one until 2015!!!
Woot! Is a geek term akin to "Woohoo!" It is traditionally spelled with 2 zeros for maximum geekitude.
Serious? Not another Friday the 13th until 2015. Man, seems like we've had one or two every year for a long time.
As for "woot"... I've never used it and I don't plan on ever using it... except for in an ironic fashion.
Love your blog, I think I might try my hand at that pumpkin bread (I don't really bake often , but I want to start and what a YUMMY way to start)
Have a great weekend!
I found your blog from Mod Podge's, and I'm visiting you for a while... Love it! Very creative and inspiring. Thanks for posting all your creations.
WoOT?? I don't know what it mean, but will be good to know it.
Have a lucky weekend!
Yummy bread, beautiful giveaway and blessings. What a lovely Friday post.
I've heard WoOt used frequently at the school where I sub. Students use it the way we used to say "great" or "cool."
Oops, am I dating myself here?
Blessings to you this weekend, June.
I just found your blog. It's wonderful and I have now subscribed to your feeds.
I will definitely be making the pumpkin bread and following some of your other projects for our Christmas this year.
that recipe sounds so good that i'll be searching for shoes and running to the store now! w00t!
self-proclaimed nerd,
From Urban Dictionary: Woot = A word originating from the old D&D games, was used to express excitement when finding treasure, the player would say "Wow loot!" thus over time turning into "w00t" in the videogame world, as a form of satisfaction or victory..
Thanks for being so generous (with the give-aways and such).
my mom always said she had good luck on friday the 13th.. perhaps I will too :-) Please include me in your drawing.. and I really enjoyed your post :-)
Coutney Prudhomme
I would love to get a copy of Jenny Hart's new book and the other exciting items in the give away. In fact, last week I tried twice to buy Jenny's new book. The first time, the shipment had not arrived, but they expected Jenny to bring some with her to her book event at a local needle arts store. So I went back that evening, and they were sold out! I picked up some of her patterns and got to meet Jenny in real life, so that was fun. Thank you for having this giveaway which let me know about your fun blog.
Your bread looks delicious, I think I may try it this weekend in between all my crafting.
I'm not a fan of woot as an exclimation but my hubs is.... oh well :) count me in for the drawing :)
Love your blog!
love the voodoo medusa--she should scare away any sort of sorry-luck hanging around this day! so far as i know, sassyp. has it right: woot woot (hands in the air)= happiness.
Great giveaway!
Also, 2 thumbs up for pumpkin bread!
I like Friday the 13th, my husband & I were married on March 13th a Friday. We always have a mini anniversity when the 13th is on a Friday. Last night he sent me an email to work say happy anniversary 17 years ago and 8 months. As a surptise for today!. He is a keeper.
Yummmmmy! Pumpkin bread. Thanks for planting THAT in my brain.
Not sure about WoOT. But there is always www.woot.com. Great site.
Wow, not going to be another Friday the 13th until 2015? I'm a little sad, feel like I should have celebrated this one a bit more...! :0)
Woot is just like, "whoo hoo!" or "yippee" or something like that. Kinda silly.
Happy Friday the 13th!
i loved the scarecrow pictures! did you see the Chihuly exhibit at the Phoenix botanical gardens last year? it was awesome! deserving of a Wo0t! and the odd looking spelling is because it is leetspeak. yes, indeed, i do captialize the N in Nerd ;) and i stitch too! hope to win the giveway :D
Great giveaway! Thanks for considering me. Woot!
Happy FT13th!
Yum to the pumpkin bread!
I've always thought Wo0t is equivalent to 'woo hoo' or 'yeah', in excitement.
I'd love to win this giveaway!
hooray for the 13th of friday!! this is the first time i've been introduced to your blog, which i will now be following, so that already makes friday the 13th much less scary! and if i get to win this wonderful giving i will now be calling friday the 13th a FANTABULOUS occurence! thank you! fingers crossed :)
I was horrified when "w00t" was voted the word of the year in 2007. (I am definitely going to home school my children now. *laughs*)
You can learn more about the word on Merriam-Webster's website http://www.merriam-webster.com/info/07words.htm
Thanks for an entry into the giveaway! (crossing fingers - not that I'm superstitious either. haha)
This Friday the 13th has been particularly lucky...so I'll hope that it continues.
great contest! and that pumpkin bread with chocolate chips looks *delicious* :D
Another great give-away!!!! And no Friday the 13ths for that long? Wow! I always think they're kinda fun.
Oh I'd love a chance for the giveaway!
And I'm not in fear of Friday the 13th. i was married on a Friday the 13th 42 years ago, still together!
Anyway, enjoy so much checking your blog every day.
What a great giveaway!! The pumpkin bread looks yummy and I have never had it with chocolate chips!
This is a really cool contest...as far as "woot" goes I'm too nerdy and sheltered to know the meaning lol. I actually love love LOOOOVE Friday the 13th!
thanks for the giveaway!
i love your blog. :)
You've inspired me to make some bread!! Thanks. Your blog rocks.
Collicky Owl? You're hysterical! I can't help you, but that's funny! I can't believe it will be 2015 before another Friday the 13th -- that's amazing -- we've had so many lately. And what a generous giveaway - but don't enter me -- I need to give others a chance! I stopped entering for awhile, and the first one I commented on again, I won. It's a curse, I tall ya LOL!
Well now ... woot ...seeing as it means great joy... well that is what I would feel if I won your wonderful giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity.. Rainbow smiles.. Gloria
I snagged it from my daughter and always assumed it was a form of YES!
Here is what I found on the internet:
Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. However, with the term as coincides with the gamer term, "w00t".
"w00t" was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.
I also recently won one from you ....HOWEVER should I win again, I will share with 2 others as it is 3 things......but I am sure there will be no need for me to win.
You are a sweetie!!
what a fun fun blog!! such joy; i can't wait to read more (and hopefully win fun things) ;)
I'm sorry about the WoOt... I have no idea! if you receive any good explanations - I would love to know too! :)
Thanks for the generous giveaway!!! it's one to die for... :)
Thank you for asking what Woot means. I have seen it everywhere and wondered myself.
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance.
Oooh, such good prizes! I am loving hand embroidery right now and just sort of teaching myself :)
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Happy Friday the 13th Weekend.
I'm thankful that nothing out of the ordinary happened to me yesterday. On the contrary: I went home and got to see my dogs for the first time in 3 weeks!
Wow June there is nothing like a give away to bring out the lurkers...lol!
I love the scarecrows and your pumpkin bread sounds delicious.
No clue about WoOT...hmmm ...maybe "without over time"? lol
Hugs, Pat
Looking through all the wonderful comments, I learned what WOOT means. I guess kind of like Yee-Haa! I wonder if there's a particular hand jester that goes with it; like circling your fisted hand just above your head?
I actually use the word "Woot!" LOL
For me, it's an exclamation of happiness and joy. :)
And really? No more Friday the 13th for more than 5 years? I love those days, darnit.
I have to say, Friday the 13th sure brings out the crazy in high school students -- I still haven't recovered from the zanyness of teaching on Friday.
As for WoOT, I would like to think it's a combo of the words "Woo!" and "Shoot!"
Have a happy night!
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