Your Comments
I am having such a blast celebrating life with you. Thank you for your wonderful comments.
Notes from the Universe
Each day an inspirational message appears in my email entitled “Notes from the Universe.” Here is an example:
Remember when it was really fun, June, to catch raindrops on your tongue, walk under archways because they were there, and roll around in sand at the beach? To go all the way to a store for a tiny treat, lie on the grass looking for "God" in the clouds, and make scary monster faces in the mirror? To watch the stars because they were winking at you, count the flowers in the garden by the door, and put Cocoa Puffs up your nose?
Well, June, I'm happy to inform you, most of it still is....
-The Universe
Don’t you just love that?
My Best Guy
My husband is the best guy in the world—for me. Your guy is your own best guy in the world.

This is my husband—he has clear hair.
I’m forever saying, “I’ve been thinking…” to which my husband’s response is, “Uh oh.” But he always listens, comments as needed, and generally encourages my creative ideas and activities in what he euphemistically calls “June World.”
I have different names for my guy depending on the moment’s need. Sometimes he functions as Mr. Man when I want him to take out the trash and be quick about it. When math starts getting complicated (calculus and physics—yuck!), I see no point in worrying myself over it when I have Math Man around.
About the only time I watch TV is during the month of October when I love watching old scary movies. But this presents a problem as they terrify me. So then I call for Ranger Man (he’s a former U.S. Army Ranger) when I need a protective hug.
Recently he was Very Bad Man when he hit a pool ball so hard that it flew off the pool table (that resides in what is supposed to be our dining room) and into the glass doors of the china cabinet.
I absolutely must tell you how I handled that little special event. I simply and quietly said, “I’m so pleased you’re going to personally take care of the repairs yourself.” And then I went and baked his favorite cake for him. Now, am I brilliant or what?
Your Blessings
What blessings made you smile this week?