Today I'm participating in the "Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun" party.
Peanut brittle was one of my Dad’s favorite treats and I used to make him a huge batch each year. Now I make it for the 250-plus little costumed characters that show up on our doorstep Halloween evening. Preparing treats each year keeps us busy.
Updated Aug. 24, 2009: a smart and kind reader let me know I forgot a major ingredient. Please add ½ cup Karo white syrup to the ingredients list in Step 1. Thank you, Deb!
right-click to save to your computer and print
This recipe is super easy and, if you follow the directions, never fails. It is important to carefully study the recipe and have everything organized and ready before beginning.
I made thank-you Halloween cupcake treats for the staff of the hospital caring for my friend. I’m delivering them this morning so I’ve got to run in a minute.
Our friend and nearby neighbor Brad decorates his front yard fabulously for Halloween each year. He and Maggie stand out front the entire evening greeting visitors and handing out treats. Brad took this photo of us in our costumes standing in front of his display.
Happy Halloween from my honey the Leprechaun and Mummy me in my shroud!