Some star-print fabric works fine for the backing.
The other image design I have is “Forget-me-Not” which will be made later as I’m still pondering what backing fabric to use. Then I need to practice restraint and any future pincushions will be for gifts instead of joining my personal collection.

Speaking of stars, at the beginning of each month I download a free map of the evening sky and calendar so we don’t miss any celestial happenings. This link will take you to Skymaps' download site where you can find the applicable map for your hemisphere, be it northern or southern. This is a great summer activity whether you have children or not.

I haven't made a ton of pincushions, but I sure like them!
Thanks for the star map link!! I have always wanted info like that, and now I can start understanding the night skies better!
A girl can never have enough pin cushions :-) I still have the old fashioned tomato style ones from my childhood, and a couple of soft cat shaped ones that I use as decorations.
I wish my sky was dark enough to see so many stars, but there is too much reflected city light to see much more than the Big & Little Dipper and the North star and maybe some bright planets. I was thrilled to see the space shuttle fly overhead once last summer!
Hugs, Pat
A girl can never have enough pin-cushions... like Pat said!
Living in the Big City near ‘the Westland’ with lots of warehouses makes looking at the stars almost impossible. Our skies are orange-coloured at night. When we are in in the country, we have dark skies and can see lots of stars. I love that and the idea that where ever we live we all look at the same universe!
Cute, cute, cute!
Thanks for the skymap link!
Pincushions are highly addictive! Are you sure you don't want anymore??
Come visit my blog...hint, hint, hint :)
I love that link for the star map. We also have a pretty difficult time seeing the night sky here, but sometimes we make it to my grandmothers or Maine or the beach. Oh you get the idea we'll use it. I think that pin cushion is darling, I've noticed that everyone that makes them gets addicted, the last thing I need is one more UFO. haha Until I have better time management I will be loving yours.
I've always thought those Vintage Workshop pincushions are so cute. I love the backing fabric you selected. And repeat after me..."One can NEVER have too many pincushions...or aprons for that matter." 'Cause hey, you never know when you'll be having guests and they each need to wear an apron. Or they've come for a sewing day and they've forgotten their pincushion!!!
June! You are a faboulous sewer. Is that right...sewer?! It sound strange. Well you get the jest of of I'm saying. It is fab. I think I will try my hand at making a pin cushion soon. Come by and say hello friend. I want you meet a special friend and his blog! It is great.
I'm not sure what I enjoyed most: your passion with pincushions or the tip to not miss anything in the night sky :)
I love the idea of the star map. When we lived in upstate NY we had a telescope and it was such a great pasttime. The kids loved it. Here in the south there are too many yard birds (I hope you know what I mean? kind of like street lights but in people's yards).
I love that pincushion. I keep collecting patterns telling myself I need to make one but never get there. LOL
Inspiration!!! Print out one of the star maps for a recipients birth month as an iron-on OR on printable fabric. Cut out the circle part and MAKE A GIFT PINCUSHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As always, you and your blog trigger ideas for me. Thank you!
I love these pincushions June. What a wonderful idea. I like having small gifts on hand to give or tuck into gift baskets. These would be perfect.
Thank you for the link to the map too.
I hope you will enjoy a lovely weekend.
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