“Souvenir” Collection Books
The following programs offer stamps at the sites you visit which make for fun memory collecting.
Passport to Your National Parks
Blue Goose Passport: National Wildlife Refuge System

United States Lighthouse Society Passport Program (applicable for coastal journeys)
There’s one more activity I pursue which I’ll share on Thursday.
I made a few purchases in addition to the occasional Christmas ornament, or the knitting project and books shared in previous posts.
The Moon Pie was birthed in 1917 at the Chattanooga Bakery. In the 1950s, drinking RC Cola and eating a Moon Pie was a Dixie tradition—there’s a t-shirt at the company’s web site that says, “It’s a Southern Thing”. My sister Connie has a big thing about these treats and loves t-shirts. So this little item was perfect to bring home to her from our adventures in Chattanooga (the last leg of our vacation which I’ve decided not to post as another travelogue might send you over the top).
One of the many books I read on vacation was brought to me by Donna. Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn
A sweet fabric shower cap lined in vinyl. I suspect it’s a bit of cheating on my part, but I’ve been working on a shower cap project and actually bought this to check my own handiwork.
A hand-painted hairbrush reminds me I’m responsible for my own happiness.
Just looking at this pretty hairbrush makes me happy.
This embroidered linen towel commemorates my home state of North Carolina.
What take-home memories do you collect?

This is a fun post with so many fun objects and memories!
Our last holiday is a long time ago. I always picked some flowers from the region to dry them and put in my photo-album. I loved to buy something typical for the region or country we visited, like olive-oil from the south of France or goat-cheese, lavender or ceramics, candy from Italy, shells or stones from the beach, wooden memories from Sweden, glass from Finland, chocolate from Vienna, craft supplies from Denmark, wine from Germany...
This was fun to read, June! Plus I would LOVE to read apost about Chattanooga! It's been 23 years since we vsited that area! Did you go up to the place wher you can see 5 states? There was a "Mother Goose Land" area there too which my children adored!
I have a habit to bring home a rock from a special place that I visit. I have rocks from my husband's hometown in Italy, Blarney Castle in Ireland, Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia, the Grand Canyon, Pebble Beach CA, the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, coal from Pennsylvania from the mines my grandfather worked in all his life,etc. Of course I know if I ever visit Hawaii I can't take a rock home with me because if Pele's curse! :-)
I also like Christmas ornaments as souvenirs as they bring back memories when I hang them on my tree!
I never saw the passport stamp books you have. I love to visit lighthouses so I will look into the Lighthouse Society one.
Hugs, Pat
T-shirts and rocks. I almost always pick up a rock from wherever I visit, or a pinecone--something natural (and legal to take home!)
I usually get Christmas ornaments wherever I travel. Then at Christmas as I take them out I remember all the trips.
Where did you get that showercap? I'm on my last cheapo hotel showercap with the elastic ripping from plastic. I never see them at hotels anymore either. I could use a nice sturdy one!
Love all your fun finds and glad they are all so meaningful to you. I'd love to try living in North Carolina. When my hubby lost his job we tried to find him one in NC but to no avail. He has one here now and I am just being happy where we are.
Great souvenirs - I especially love that NC dishcloth. Other than taking pictures, we often try to buy a book about the area we are visiting as a souvenir. Since I learned to knit 2 years ago, I also like to find souvenir yarn.
I'd love to hear what you did in Chatanooga - did you visit the aquarium? We took the boys there years ago and really enjoyed it.
Fun mementos. That hairbrush is crazy cool! Love it!
Awwww Man....a Moon Pie t-shirt...that's awesome! I love those things. Nothin' like a banana moon pie LOL! Hmmm...travel take-homes? I probably have the most fun if I can visit a quilt shop while traveling. Unfortunately that doesn't usually remind me of the area I visit!
Fantastic mementos and purchases JunieMoon!
It's funny--I had 2 orders ship off to Chatanooga last week and I was thinking to myself, as I addressed the envelopes "what a fun name for a town"!!
Smiles, Karen
OMG OMG You definitely will not believe this... well maybe you will, we are so much alike LOL.
I also take pictures of the fauna and flora as keepsakes or pick up an unusual rock, seashell or whatever. Like you, I don't pick the flowers just photo them or draw them in my journal. Okay ready for this - LOL I also do the passport thing for the parks and the wildlife refuges. Last but not least I also am a birder, so I take along my birding journal and a birder guide. I keep these things along with topo. maps in a cheapie bookbag at found at Barnes & Nobles (I think I paid like 2.00 for it on clearance).
I also will buy some local postcards and keep them as souvenirs.
Oh yeah, I would love to here about your next leg of vacation.
June I have an award for you on my blog! I know you don't accept and pass on awards but I wanted you to see this one because I wanted to say THANK YOU to you!
You really do make me smile each and every day! I'm so glad to know you!
Hugs, Pat
Great take-home memories. I love to know the local flora and fauna so I appreciate field guides too.
Love the T-shirt!!
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