Inspiration hit me yesterday while looking at a bag of fragrant cedar mulch my husband bought for the garden. I can make my own sneaker stuffers using a bit of the cedar chips.
Updated Apr. 24, 2009: Pat (Millie Fiori Favoriti blog) left a very helpful comment that you can find bags of cedar chips where pet products are found; e.g., cedar shavings/chips for hamsters. I think that’s a much better solution than my picking through a silly bag of gardening mulch.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
I used pieces of April Cornell’s fabrics leftover from my quilt blocks project last week. Two cedar stuffers were made for my husband out of the plaid fabric and two for me from the floral.
Cedar Sneaker Stuffers Tutorial
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved
Supplies (for 2 stuffers)
- 2 pieces of fabric, each cut 3-inches wide by 16½-inches long
- Cedar chips or shavings (ours was bought at Ace Hardware)
- Thread to match
- Scissors
Step 1: Fold each piece in half with right-sides facing (You will now have a piece 8¼-inches in length).
Step 2: Sew each of the long sides with a ¼-inch seam and turn right-side out (leave the short end open for stuffing).
Step 3: Stuff with your cedar shavings (doesn’t have to be too full).
Step 4: Turn open short end under and slip-stitch shut.
Now we’ll see whether these little cedar pouches work.

That's a great idea, June, and easy enough so that even I can do it! I love the smell of cedar.
Another good source for cedar chips is a pet store. We use to buy it all the time when my kids were young had hamsters, as that was what we filled their cages with.
Hugs, Pat
cedar scent it a bajillion times better than sweaty foot scent. I like it!
That's a great idea. Let us know if they work.
Very interesting June! Be sure and give us an update!
i'm making these tomorrow...since my son has moved back home...i've noticed a REAL need for these! thanks.
Great idea! Especially good as gifts for my male family members for Xmas. Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea!!! We use cocao shells in the garden. DO you think they will work...?
Brilliant!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing Blog: http://sewing.craftgossip.com/tutorial-sew-up-some-sneaker-stuffers-to-keep-the-stink-away/2009/04/24/
June, this is brilliant! I sometimes sprinkle ordinary baking soda into runners or boots that get a bit 'high' but this is such a handy dandy tidy way of doing the same thing! Great idea and it will make for a great gift item.
Hi, I found a link to this at whip it. Just wanted to say that I have been making these for years. We call them shoe dogs (that is what they were called the first time I saw them in a catalog).
I just wanted to tell you that I use velcro on one end. That way when the cedar is old you can replace it. I use the cedar bedding out of the pet department too.
I think we need several of these in our shoes. Thanks for the idea. I love the pretty fabric you used.
We also found that filling the pouches with kitty litter will absorb odor and wetness. These work great for hockey/lacrosse glove and cleats for the ever sweaty athletes in your family.
Another idea is sew ribbon to connect the two; it helps keep the shoes together.
great idea! blogged you:
Great tutorial! I linked to you at http://giveLDSgifts.com and plan on making these soon.
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