Today’s Then and Now theme is a result of some online (and offline) conversations a few of my friends have been having. We were discussing the changes in ourselves over the years. Kristie organized a day where we’d post a picture from the past (the parameter being 18 to 22) and then one now (within the last 6 months). Today is the day.
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved (scanned from my college freshman yearbook)
So here I am at age 18. During high school, I was terribly shy. If a teacher called on me in class, I’d panic and literally start choking. Determined to overcome my shyness, I tried out and became a cheerleader during my senior year. It was so much fun I also joined the cheerleading squad in college. This picture was taken my freshman year of college in 1970 (I’m in the middle on the bottom).
© June Scroggin, All Rights Reserved (taken by my friend Dee using my camera)
I avoid the camera religiously as I hate to have my picture taken. So this Christmas photo will have to work for the “Now” portion of the challenge. I attended a holiday luncheon where everyone brought a copy of the One Yard Wonders
book and insisted I autograph the section in which my projects were featured. They had me pose individually with each person; in this case, it’s with my friend Paula.
I’m now 58 and the changes over the years have never been more evident than those I’m experiencing lately. I cannot do my cheerleading jumps anymore, my tiny little self has now morphed into more “generous” proportions, and my hair is short and gray. But what I’m noticing are only the physical differences.
Inside I’m still me—wacky, impetuous, and willing to try most anything (except bungee cord jumping), my heart continues to love easily, sharing is still part of my nature, and I continue to thrive by living a creative life.
It’s the essence of me I hope serves as my legacy when my end-time comes, not how I look.