My friend Kristie saw a car yesterday that made her wonder if I’d made drastic changes to mine. It’s the same model Honda CRV I drive, except mine is green.
Source: Kristie of Fresh on Fridays; I’ve blurred the license number to protect the owner’s privacy
The owner modified the spare tire cover by adding dragonflies and inscribing “June Bug” across the bottom (click on the picture to enlarge for detail).

Source: Texas Cooperative Extension/The Texas A&M University System
Just in case you want to know what a real June Bug looks like, I found a picture. As you can see, they are not at all attractive. The imaginative dragonflies are a much better choice.
I love that there is someone else in town obviously with the name June. And it’s wonderful how this mysterious but creative “June Bug” personalized her car this way, a fun DIY project that now I’m pondering how to emulate. As best I can tell, the decorative detail is hand-painted and embellished with glitter paint.
I love that there is someone else in town obviously with the name June. And it’s wonderful how this mysterious but creative “June Bug” personalized her car this way, a fun DIY project that now I’m pondering how to emulate. As best I can tell, the decorative detail is hand-painted and embellished with glitter paint.
Although I’m not the owner of the clever June Bug car, I do have a Christmas wreath on my own car’s front grill.
I actually thought the bodies of the bugs were appliqued, and then the rest was either embroidered or painted, but I couldn't be sure from the distance I was at.
JUNIE!! I am so glad to see you posting again!! :) I hope you are doing well. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :)
I definitely know what one is .I really like that spare tire cover.
Junie, I'm thrilled to see you are blogging again. I have missed you! Merry Christmas and welcome back!
Ewwww June! Did you have to show us that BUG??? Love the wreath on your car!
Is it really you? I'm so ashamed I just saw your posts now. Are you back?
Wow, that June bug almost looks...gilded... Maybe I need to lay off the glitter. I love your car wreath! Those always make me smile!
Junie how could you even think of a spiral. Your tire cover MUST have a mermaid! =)
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