The whole month of November was one giant blessing. So many good things happened. Here are but a few from this week.
Your Comments
I’ve been so amazed to make friends via Flickr and my blog. Your kind words of encouragement and shared joy inspire me every single day.
Safe Travel
My husband and I are both home safely following our Thanksgiving adventures. We both have raging colds thanks to the vagaries of air travel but are otherwise well.

I received my acceptance to Ravelry yesterday. My user name is JuneS. Someone already has the name Junie Moon so don’t confuse me with this mystery person. I really thought I’d reserved that name with them but I guess not. Although I’m now in, I’ve no clue as to what I’m going to do on Ravelry yet but do believe I’ll learn a lot.
Secret Project
Secrets are so much fun.
This is a stack of freshly laundered fabrics—all ready for beginning my secret project tomorrow. I’m trying something new in my attempt to embrace change and challenge. The finished project will be shared at some point during December.